I hereby distribute each listed proposal, initiating the Agoran
Decision of whether to adopt it, and removing it from the proposal
pool. For this decision, the vote collector is the Assessor, the
quorum is 5, the voting method is AI-majority, and the valid
options are FOR and AGAINST (PRESENT is also a valid vote, as are
conditional votes).

ID    Author(s)           AI    Title
8123  Gaelan              3.0   Independence
8124  Trigon              1.0   Only proposals should be distributed
8125  Trigon              3.0   Time periods are confusing
8126  Trigon              3.0   High-level asset verbs
8127  Trigon              2.0   Reinstituting Rewards
8128  twg                 2.0   [1]
8129  twg, Trigon, G.     3.0   Bugfix: Treasuror doesn't self-ratify v2
8130  Gaelan              2.0   Law is Ambiguous Word Act
8131  天火狐, twg          2.0   V.J. Rada Protection Act
8132  Aris                1.0   Website Ruleset Update Petition

[1] With not very much responsibility comes fewer shinies

The full text of the aforementioned proposal(s) is included below.

ID: 8123
Title: Independence
Adoption index: 3.0
Author: Gaelan

Prepend “Such an action is known as a dependent action.” to the
beginning of the last paragraph of rule 1728, “Dependent Actions.”

ID: 8124
Title: Only proposals should be distributed
Adoption index: 1.0
Author: Trigon

[ COMMENT: This was pretty useless back in the day and it still is. If
   someone decides they need this mechanic for anything, just reenact
   it. ]

Repeal Rule 2515 "Distributing Assets".

ID: 8125
Title: Time periods are confusing
Adoption index: 3.0
Author: Trigon

[ COMMENT: The current way is a really roundabout way of doing it, in my
   opinion. I'm not sure if this is any better, to be honest, but
   I think it has some merit. ]

Amend Rule 1728 "Dependent Actions" by:
    replacing the following:
       2. If the action is to be performed Without N Objections, With N
          Agoran Consent, or With Notice, if the intent was announced at
          least 4 days earlier

       3. If the action is to be performed With T Notice, if the intent
          was announced at least T earlier.
       2. The intent was announced at least T earlier. If T is undefined,
          it is instead considered to be 4 days if the action is not With
          N Support; otherwise 0 days.

    and by renumbering the list accordingly.

ID: 8126
Title: High-level asset verbs
Adoption index: 3.0
Author: Trigon

[ COMMENT: This terminology is ripped from the coins rule and applies to
   all assets. I really like this one. ]

Amend Rule 2577 "Asset Actions" by replacing the second paragraph with
the following three paragraphs:
  For an entity to earn an asset is for that asset to be created in
  that entity's possession. To grant an entity an asset is to create
  it in eir possession.

  For an entity to lose an asset is for that asset to be destroyed
  from that entity's possession. To revoke an asset from an entity
  is to destroy it from that entity's possession.

  For entity A to take an asset from entity B is to transfer it from
  entity B to entity A.

Amend Rule 2559 "Paydays" by replacing its text with:
  Whenever a Payday occurs, the following events happen in order:

  1. Each player first earns 10 coins; then

  2. For each office, if a single player held that office for 16 or
    more days in the previous month and no unforgivable fines were
    levied on em for eir conduct in that office during that time,
    that player earns 5 coins.

  The occurrence of Paydays is secured.  At the beginning of each
  month, a Payday occurs.

Amend Rule 2499 "Welcome Packages" by replacing its text with:
  If a player has not received a Welcome Package since e most
  recently registered, any player CAN cause em to receive one by

  When a player receives a Welcome Package, e earns 10 coins.

Amend Rule 2555 "Blots" by replacing the paragraph beginning "To Lefy a
Fine" with:
  To Levy a Fine of N on a person, where N is a positive integer, is
  to grant em N blots. To expunge a blot is to destroy it.

Amend Rule 2583 "Earning Coins" by deleting the paragraph beginning "For
a player to".

ID: 8127
Title: Reinstituting Rewards
Adoption index: 3.0
Author: Trigon

[ COMMENT: For those of you who know that I really liked the rewards
   system from last year, this shouldn't come as a surprise. Now that
   there's no minigame, I think we should have a constant source for
   earning coins, so how about we tie it to general participation in the
   game? ]

Repeal Rule 2583 "Earning Coins"

Reenact Rule 2496 "Rewards" and replace its text with:
  A player CAN earn the set of assets associated with a reward
  condition exactly once in a timely fashion each time e fulfills it
  by stating how many assets e earns as a result of this action.

  Below is a list of reward conditions and their associated assets.

  * Being the author of an adopted proposal: a number of coins equal
   to ((the total strength of all valid ballots cast FOR the
  decision - the total strength of all valid ballots cast AGAINST)
  times the adoption index of the result) rounded up.

  * Judging a CFJ that e was assigned to: 5 coins.

  * Publishing a duty-fulfilling report: 5 coins. This reward can
   only be claimed once per office per week for a weekly report and
   once per office per month for a monthly report.

  * Having a Thesis pass peer-review and be granted a Degree based
   on its merit: 20 shinies

If a proposal by Trigon has not passed in the same distribution as this
proposal entitled "High-level asset verbs", amend rule 2496 by replacing
all instances of the word "earn" with "create in eir possession".

ID: 8128
Title: With not very much responsibility comes fewer shinies
Adoption index: 2.0
Author: Trigon

Amend rule 2559, "Paydays", by changing the text "For each office" to
"For each office that has official duties".

ID: 8129
Title: Bugfix: Treasuror doesn't self-ratify v2
Adoption index: 3.0
Author: twg
Co-authors: Trigon, G.

Amend Rule 2166, "Assets", by appending the following paragraph to it:

  For a class of assets to be "tracked by" an entity is for that
  entity to be its recordkeepor.

For the purposes of this proposal, the "Authoritative Document" is the
document that as of the resolution of the most recent Agoran Decision
to adopt this proposal:
   (a) is a portion of the Treasuror's weekly report;
   (b) is a list of all instances of coins and their owners;
   (c) has been continuously undoubted for at least one week; and
   (d) is the most recently published document that satisfies each of
       criteria (a), (b) and (c).

Ratify the Authoritative Document. Designate this ratification a

ID: 8130
Title: Law is Ambiguous Word Act
Adoption index: 2.0
Author: Trigon

Amend Rule 2531 (Referee Accountability) by replacing “law” with “the rules."

ID: 8131
Title: V.J. Rada Protection Act
Adoption index: 2.0
Author: 天火狐
Co-authors: twg

Amend Rule 1885, "Zombie Auctions", by appending the following as a
new paragraph:

  Rules to the contrary notwithstanding, if a player's master
  switch is flipped while a zombie auction in which e is a lot
  is ongoing, then the winner of that lot NEED NOT pay Agora eir
  bid and Agora CANNOT and NEED NOT transfer the contents of the
  lot to the winner.

ID: 8132
Title: Website Ruleset Update Petition
Adoption index: 1.0
Author: Aris

WHEREAS the FLR is the most complete record of Agora's rules;
WHEREAS the copy of the Ruleset posted on the Agoran website is thus a form
  of the FLR;
WHEREAS Players, Observers, and Other Interested Parties go to Agora's website
  for the most accurate and current information about the rules;
WHEREAS the FLR is only updated once a month; and
WHEREAS, given that the Rulesets are generated programmatically,
  it would impose little additional strain on the Rulekeepor to update
  the version of the FLR posted on the website each time e releases an
  SLR (i.e. once a week);

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that it is THE WILL OF AGORA that the Honorable
Rulekeepor update the main ruleset linked from the Agoran website each time
e releases an SLR, and that e additionally post a copy of the official FLR
on the website.


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