                              Forbes 500

Date of this report: 2019-11-07
Date of last report: 2019-10-29

Archive of reports on the web:

This section does not self-ratify.

   Asset class    Recordkeepor    Ownership
   -----------    ------------    -------------------------
   Coins          Treasuror       Agora, players, contracts
   Blots          Referee         Persons

This section self-ratifies.
Entities not listed have a Coin balance of 0.

   Coins    Active player
   -----    -------------
     274    Aris
      60    Baron von Vaderham
      20    Cuddle Beam
    1204    D. Margaux
     809    Falsifian
    1395    G.
      30    Gaelan
     719    Jason Cobb
     420    Murphy
     196    omd
      20    pikhq
      25    Nch
     585    Trigon
     967    twg

   Coins    Zombie
   -----    ------
      10    ATMunn
      20    Bernie
      10    Jacob Arduino
      20    o
      20    Rance
      10    Walker

   Coins    Non-player entity
   -----    -----------------
    1517    Agora
      87    Lost and Found Department

This section is purely informational and does not self-ratify.

Entity             Change  Date (UTC)        Reason
twg              +  5c.  2019-11-05 11:09  Reward (Referee weekly)
Aris             +  5c.  2019-11-04 06:47  Reward (Promotor weekly)
Aris             +  5c.  2019-11-04 06:45  Reward (Promotor weekly)
Falsifian        +  5c.  2019-11-03 22:44  Reward (Treasuror weekly)
Falsifian        +  5c.  2019-11-03 22:44  Reward (Registrar weekly)
G.               +  4c.  2019-11-03 18:37  Reward (Proposal 8262)
G.               + 21c.  2019-11-03 18:37  Reward (Proposal 8261)
G.               +  5c.  2019-11-03 18:37  Reward (Herald monthly)
G.               +  5c.  2019-11-03 18:37  Reward (Herald weekly)
G.               +  5c.  2019-11-03 18:37  Reward (Arbitor weekly)
Jason Cobb       + 24c.  2019-11-03 17:05  Reward (Proposal 8258)
Jason Cobb       + 30c.  2019-11-03 17:05  Reward (Proposal 8255)
Jason Cobb       + 36c.  2019-11-03 17:05  Reward (Proposal 8254)
Jason Cobb       +  5c.  2019-11-03 17:05  Reward (assessing a proposal)
Falsifian        +  5c.  2019-11-01 00:00  Payday (Treasuror)
G.               +  5c.  2019-11-01 00:00  Payday (Tailor)
Jason Cobb       +  5c.  2019-11-01 00:00  Payday (Speaker)
Trigon           +  5c.  2019-11-01 00:00  Payday (Rulekeepor)
Falsifian        +  5c.  2019-11-01 00:00  Payday (Registrar)
twg              +  5c.  2019-11-01 00:00  Payday (Referee)
Aris             +  5c.  2019-11-01 00:00  Payday (Promotor)
G.               +  5c.  2019-11-01 00:00  Payday (Prime Minister)
G.               +  5c.  2019-11-01 00:00  Payday (Herald)
omd              +  5c.  2019-11-01 00:00  Payday (Distributor)
Jason Cobb       +  5c.  2019-11-01 00:00  Payday (Comptrollor)
Jason Cobb       +  5c.  2019-11-01 00:00  Payday (Assessor)
G.               +  5c.  2019-11-01 00:00  Payday (Arbitor)
Murphy           +  5c.  2019-11-01 00:00  Payday (ADoP)
Walker           + 10c.  2019-11-01 00:00  Payday (initial 10 coins)
twg              + 10c.  2019-11-01 00:00  Payday (initial 10 coins)
Trigon           + 10c.  2019-11-01 00:00  Payday (initial 10 coins)
Rance            + 10c.  2019-11-01 00:00  Payday (initial 10 coins)
pikhq            + 10c.  2019-11-01 00:00  Payday (initial 10 coins)
omd              + 10c.  2019-11-01 00:00  Payday (initial 10 coins)
o                + 10c.  2019-11-01 00:00  Payday (initial 10 coins)
Nch              + 10c.  2019-11-01 00:00  Payday (initial 10 coins)
Murphy           + 10c.  2019-11-01 00:00  Payday (initial 10 coins)
Jason Cobb       + 10c.  2019-11-01 00:00  Payday (initial 10 coins)
Jacob Arduino    + 10c.  2019-11-01 00:00  Payday (initial 10 coins)
Gaelan           + 10c.  2019-11-01 00:00  Payday (initial 10 coins)
G.               + 10c.  2019-11-01 00:00  Payday (initial 10 coins)
Falsifian        + 10c.  2019-11-01 00:00  Payday (initial 10 coins)
D. Margaux       + 10c.  2019-11-01 00:00  Payday (initial 10 coins)
Cuddle Beam      + 10c.  2019-11-01 00:00  Payday (initial 10 coins)
Bernie           + 10c.  2019-11-01 00:00  Payday (initial 10 coins)
Baron v V [0]    + 10c.  2019-11-01 00:00  Payday (initial 10 coins)
Aris             + 10c.  2019-11-01 00:00  Payday (initial 10 coins)
ATMunn           + 10c.  2019-11-01 00:00  Payday (initial 10 coins)
Nch              +  5c.  2019-10-31 23:16  Reward (Tailor monthly)
-- last weekly report -- 2019-10-29 07:03  -- last weekly report --
Falsifian        +  5c.  2019-10-27 00:59  Reward (Registrar monthly)
Falsifian        +  5c.  2019-10-27 00:59  Reward (judging CFJ 3775)
Falsifian        +  5c.  2019-10-27 00:59  Reward (Treasuror weekly)
Falsifian        +  5c.  2019-10-27 00:59  Reward (Registrar weekly)
G.               +  5c.  2019-10-26 14:48  Reward (Arbitor weekly)
G.               +  5c.  2019-10-26 14:48  Reward (Herald weekly)
G.               +  5c.  2019-10-26 14:48  Reward (Arbitor weekly)
G.               +  5c.  2019-10-26 14:48  Reward (Herald weekly)
Cuddle Beam      + 10c.  2019-10-26 14:44  Welcome Package
twg              +  5c.  2019-10-22 13:23  Reward (Referee weekly)
pikhq            + 10c.  2019-10-20 21:22  Welcome Package
Murphy           + 54c.  2019-10-20 17:59  Transfer from Walker
Walker           - 54c.  2019-10-20 17:59  Transfer to Murphy
Agora            + 14c.  2019-10-20 17:59  Payment from Murphy
Murphy           - 14c.  2019-10-20 17:59  Payment to Agora
D. Margaux       +114c.  2019-10-20 11:58  Transfer from Cuddle Beam
Cuddle Beam      -114c.  2019-10-20 11:58  Transfer to D. Margaux
Agora            + 19c.  2019-10-20 11:58  Payment from D. Margaux
D. Margaux       - 19c.  2019-10-20 11:58  Payment to Agora
Falsifian        +  5c.  2019-10-20 07:23  Reward (Treasuror weekly)
Falsifian        +  5c.  2019-10-20 07:23  Reward (Registrar weekly)
Nch              + 10c.  2019-10-18 20:11  Welcome Package
G.               + 30c.  2019-10-14 04:40  Reward (Proposal 8251)
Jason Cobb       +  6c.  2019-10-14 03:20  Reward (Proposal 8252)
Jason Cobb       +  5c.  2019-10-14 03:20  Reward (assessing a proposal)
Gaelan           + 10c.  2019-10-08 15:16  Welcome Package
twg              + 10c.  2019-10-08 12:08  Transfer from Jacob Arduino
Jacob Arduino    - 10c.  2019-10-08 12:08  Transfer to twg
Falsifian        + 10c.  2019-10-08 00:27  Transfer from ATMunn
ATMunn           - 10c.  2019-10-08 00:27  Transfer to Falsifian
Falsifian        +  5c.  2019-10-08 00:27  Reward (Treasuror weekly)
Falsifian        +  5c.  2019-10-08 00:27  Reward (Registrar weekly)
Falsifian        +  5c.  2019-10-07 12:08  Reward (Treasuror weekly)
Falsifian        +  5c.  2019-10-07 12:08  Reward (Registrar weekly)

[0] Baron von Vaderham, abbreviated to save space.

- Falsifian

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