(This document is informational only and contains no game actions).

===============================  CFJ 3799  ===============================

      If the report referenced by my previous CFJ were to ratify, its
      'specified time' for the purposes of Rule 1551 would be 00:00 UTC
      on 2020-01-20.


Caller:                        twg
Barred:                        Alexis

Judge:                         G.
Judgement:                     TRUE



Called by twg:                                    24 Jan 2020 18:06:09
Assigned to G.:                                   26 Jan 2020 03:06:08
Judged TRUE by G.:                                09 Feb 2020 00:23:56


Caller's Evidence:
The "report referenced" by CFJ 3798:

I wrote to OFF at 17:05 UTC on 2020-01-24:
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>               The Police Blotter (Referee's Weekly Report)
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> This report:
>   Published:      2020-01-24
>   Accurate as of: 2020-01-20 00:00
> Last report:
>   Published:      2020-01-14
>   Accurate as of: (publication)
> (all times UTC)
> BLOT HOLDINGS                                            (self-ratifies)
> ========================================================================
> Blots    Player
> -----    ------
>   2      nch
> No fugitives exist.


Judge G.'s Arguments:

The report in question had the following time information:
> This report:
>   Published:      2020-01-24
>   Accurate as of: 2020-01-20 00:00

This is sufficiently clear that the "time of report" was 2020-01-20 00:00.

R1551 reads in part:
>                                             the gamestate is modified
>      to what it would be if, at the time the ratified document was
>      published, the gamestate had been minimally modified to make the
>      ratified document as true and accurate as possible; however, if the
>      document explicitly specifies a different past time as being the
>      time the document was true, the specified time is used to determine
>      the minimal modifications.

The "2020-01-20 00:00" timestamp was sufficient at "explicitly specifying"
a different past time, so this is the date for ratification purposes.  TRUE.


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