Stone          Owner      Last Wielded  Immune?
-------------  ---------  ------------  -------
Power          Murphy     [Never]
Wealth         Agora      2020-12-10    Agora
Soul           Falsifian  [Never]
Sabotage       Agora      [Never]       Agora
Concentration  ATMunn     2020-11-26
Protection     Falsifian  [Never]

2021-01-17 00:15:02  Falsifian transfers Protection Stone from Agora after 
auction resolution.
2021-01-17 00:15:02  Falsifian transfers Soul Stone from Agora after auction 
2021-01-13 20:53:54  ATMunn transfers Concentration Stone from Agora after 
auction resolution.
2021-01-02 02:58:24  Protection Stone is transferred from Murphy to Agora per 
collection notice.
2021-01-02 02:58:24  Sabotage Stone is transferred from Murphy to Agora per 
collection notice.
2021-01-02 02:58:24  Wealth Stone is transferred from ATMunn to Agora per 
collection notice.
2020-12-13 23:15:35  Murphy transfers Sabotage Stone from Agora after auction 
2020-12-13 23:15:35  Murphy transfers Protection Stone from Agora after auction 
2020-12-10 01:35:17  ATMunn wields Wealth Stone, specifying self.
2020-12-10 01:30:18  ATMunn transfers Wealth Stone from Agora after auction 
2020-12-01 20:32:23  Concentration stone is transferred from Falsifian to Agora 
per collection notice.
2020-11-27 18:16:18  Murphy transfers Power Stone from Agora from Agora after 
auction resolution.
2020-11-26 16:06:57  Falsifian wields Concentration Stone, specifying self.
2020-11-26 03:33:46  Falsifian transfers Concentration stone from Agora after 
auction resolution.

Summary of stone functions:

Power          a specified player's strength is increased by 3 on a
               specified Agoran decision. Escape risk: 40%.

Wealth         a specified player earns 5 boatloads of coins. Escape
               risk: 50%.

Soul           a specified non-immune stone is stolen by the
               wielder, then the Soul Stone is transferred to the
               robbed player. Escape risk: 50%.

Sabotage       the AI of a specified AI-majority decision is
               increased by 1. Escape risk: 80%.

Concentration  a specified player earns an extra Grant for eir
               Focus. Escape risk: 60%.

Protection     a specified stone becomes immune (until the next
               Collection Notice). Escape risk: 70%.

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