On 24 JAN 2021, I announced my intention to enact regulations with 1.5
Agoran consent. Since then, the lists of supporters and objectors are as



The number of supporters(1) is greater than 1.5 times the number of

I enact the following regulations:
Regulation RA0
Limitations to Powers of Interim Referees

An interim holder of the office of Referee (henceforth known as an
‘Interim Referee’) SHALL NOT impose summary judgement more than twice a

It is PROHIBITED for an Interim Referee levy a fine to a person who
commits the Class 2 Crime of Tardiness, if the person's deadline to
perform eir duty occurs during a Holiday, as defined by rule 1769.

A Referee MUST NOT enact or amend any other regulations in such a manner
as to cause any of them to take precedence over this regulation.

This regulation takes precedence over all other administrative
regulations promulgated by any Referee.

Regulation RA1
General Enforcement Policies

If a Referee wishes to impose the Cold Hand of Justice on any perp for
the Class 2 Crime of Tardiness, e is strongly RECOMMENDED to specify the
violation as forgivable, unless the perp has consecutively committed the
violation or the evidence indicates that the perp has used or has
attempted to use the violation as part of a plan to abuse eir official

Referees are ENCOURAGED to amend this regulation to specify best
practices for other crimes and violations.

Regulation RA2
Guidelines to Referees for Compiling Weekly Reports

Courtesy of the illustrious Publius Scribonius Scholasticus, when making
eir weekly report on blot holdings, a Referee is ENCOURAGED to
additionally include:

1. A section tracking investigations resulting from a finger being
pointed of which the Referee is the investigator, which have not been
concluded at the time of the report’s publishing; e SHOULD provide the
following fields for each entry:

        a. Name of the perp
        b. Name of the person who pointed eir finger
        d. Summary of the available findings at the time of the report

The Referee is strongly DISCOURAGED from reporting on investigations of
which e is not the investigator. At the time of the promulgation of this
regulation, the only rule-defined circumstance in which the Referee is
not the investigator is when the Referee is the perp. As such, eir
reports on such investigations may be misleading and are at a high
likelihood of violating rule 2471.

2. A section tracking historical changes to the blots possessed by
persons. If available, the time period tracked is RECOMMENDED to begin
from approximately two years prior and end at the time of the report’s
publishing. E SHOULD provide the following columns for this section:

        a. Name of person in whose possession the number of blots has changed
        b. Change in number of blots
        c. Date of change
        d. Reason of change

Regulation RA3
Holiday Rule Reminder Practice

In addition to the recommendations contained within rule 1769, the
Referee is strongly ENCOURAGED to remind the players of the end of the
Holiday by announcement. This SHOULD be done between 2 to 4 days before
the end of the Holiday.



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