I publish the below Migration Notice.

Migration notice on April 3rd, 2022.

Number of times bird food was bought by each player last month
Each player bought bird food 0 times last month.

Each hungry bird will be transferred in the order below, if possible:

Bird           Recipient
-----------    --------------------------
Seagull        Undefined (Owned by Agora)
Goldfinch      Undefined (Owned by Agora)
Raven          Undefined (Owned by Agora)
Emu            Undefined (Owned by Agora)
Owl            Undefined (Owned by Agora)
Magpie         Undefined (Owned by Agora)
Pigeon         Undefined (Owned by Agora)
Penguin        Undefined (Owned by Agora)
Cockatiel      Undefined (Owned by Agora)
Jay            Undefined (Owned by Agora)

(NOTE for this specific report: I think I CANNOT make the required random
choices, for this migration notice. This should not be an issue in future

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