I publish the following Migration Notice.

Migration Notice
08 May 2022

BIRD FOOD BOUGHT                                   (does not ratify)
Person             Bird food bought last month
--------------     ---------------------------
secretsnail        5
ais523             5
Murphy             4
juan               1

All persons not in the above list bought no bird food last month.

HUNGRY BIRDS AND THEIR RANDOM CHOICES              (does not ratify)
Hungry Bird    Random Choice (New Owner)
-----------    --------------------------
Seagull        Murphy
Goldfinch      Murphy
Raven          juan
Emu            secretsnail
Owl            ais523
Magpie         secretsnail
Pigeon         juan*
Penguin        ais523
Cockatiel      juan*
Jay            secretsnail

* Will be instead transferred to Agora due to insufficient bird food.

Hungry Birds are transferred in the order they are listed above.


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