G. wrote:

On 5/22/2022 3:18 PM, Edward Murphy via agora-official wrote:
Voting strength was measured at the end of the voting period (R955). Per
the Referee's report of May 15, I believe each voter had 3, except Jason
(not Madrid) who had 2.

This is incorrect.  After the referee's report was published, but before
the voting period ended, Madrid gained two blots (Dive) to a total of 3
Blots [0], and Jason expunged 1 blot by a BBG to get down to 2 Blots [1].
  I haven't checked to see if this affects final election results.



-the referee

Ah, that explains it.

If the recent Arbitor election was not resolved successfully, then I
resolve it as follows:

  Murphy      - endorse Jason
  Jason       - Jason
  ais523      - Jason
  Madrid      - secretsnail
  G.          - (Jason, secretsnail)

  Total voting strength: Jason 12, secretsnail 2; Jason wins

If the recent Registrar election was not resolved successfully, then I
resolve it as follows:

  Murphy      - endorse nix
  Jason       - endorse nix
  ais523      - nix
  duck        - secretsnail
  secretsnail - secretsnail
  nix         - (nix, secretsnail)
  Madrid      - secretsnail
  G.          - (secretsnail, nix)

  Total voting strength: nix 12, secretsnail 8; nix wins

If the recent Prime Minister election was not resolved successfully,
then I resolve it as follows:

  Murphy      - (Murphy, nix)
  Jason       - (Jason, nix, Murphy, secretsnail, G.)
  ais523      - (Murphy, Jason, nix)
  nix         - (nix, Murphy, Jason)
  duck        - secretsnail
  Madrid      - secretsnail
  G.          - (nix, Murphy)
  secretsnail - (secretsnail, nix)

  Total voting strength:
    secretsnail 8, Murphy/nix 6, Jason 3, G. 0; G. is eliminated
    secretsnail 8, Murphy/nix 6, Jason 3; Jason is eliminated
    nix 9, secretsnail 8, Murphy 6; Murphy is eliminated
    nix 15, secretsnail 8; nix wins

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