I submit the following proposal:

Title: Time for some clarifications

Author: Janet


Adoption index: 2.0


Amend Rule 1023 ("Agoran Time")  to read, in full:


The following terms are defined:

 1. The phrase "in a timely fashion" means "within 7 days". This time
    period is set when the requirement is created (i.e. X days before
    the limit ends). A requirement to perform an action at an exact
    instant (e.g. "when X, Y SHALL Z"), but not "in the same message",
    is instead interpreted as a requirement to perform that action in a
    timely fashion after that instant.
 2. The phrase "in an officially timely fashion" means "before the end
    of the next Agoran week". This time period is set when the
    requirement is created (i.e. between 7 and 14 days before the period
 3. Agoran epochs:
     1. Agoran days begin at midnight UTC.
     2. Agoran weeks begin at midnight UTC on Monday. Eastman weeks
        begin at midnight UTC on the 1st, 8th, 15th, 22nd, and 29th of
        each Gregorian month; the fifth one of the month (if any) lasts
        till the end of the month.
     3. Agoran months begin at midnight UTC on the first day of each
        Gregorian month.
     4. Agoran quarters begin when the Agoran months of January, April,
        July, and October begin.
     5. Agoran years begin when the Agoran month of January begins.
     6. A pivot is either the instant at which Agora Nomic began (June
        30, 1993, 00:04:30 GMT +1200) or an instant at which at least
        one person won the game. When used as a period of time, a
        "Round" (historical syn: "game") is the period of time between a
        pivot and the next pivot.
    The "Agoran" qualifier is assumed unless a different definition is
    indicated (e.g. Eastman weeks). These definitions do not apply to
    relative durations (e.g. "within <number> days after <event>").
 4. Two points in time are within a month of each other if:
     1. they occur in the same Agoran month;
     2. they occur in two consecutive Agoran months, and the later of
        the two occurs in an earlier day in the month than the earlier one;
     3. they occur in two consecutive Agoran months on the same day of
        the month, and the later of the two occurs at the same or
        earlier time of day.
 5. Any anniversary, monthly anniversary, or quarterly anniversary that
    would otherwise occur on a day of the month that does not exist
    (after considering any leap day) instead occurs on the following day.


[Converge after the question for P9123, and renumber the sub-lists to
use letters. This is a "read in full" amendment because of the question
and because it would be a nightmare to try to specify the changes.]


Janet Cobb

Assessor, Rulekeepor, S​tonemason

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