This is a particularly easy moment to take a snapshot of the stones...

stone          owner     cost     hot     cooldown     immunity

Blank          Agora       10     no      month
Grind          Agora       10     YES     quarter
Hot Potato     Agora       10     no      week
Minty          Agora       10     YES     week
Power          Agora       10     no      week
Protection     Agora       10     no      month
Radiance       Agora       10     no      week
Recursion      Agora       10     no      month
Sabotage       Agora       10     no      week
Soul           Agora       10     no      week
Tacky          Agora       10     no      month


2024-09-01 14:01:10     last report
2024-09-02 00:00:00     new week
2024-09-02 22:05:30     ais523 wields the Minty Stone
2024-09-02 22:05:30 ais523 tries unsuccessfully to wield the Recursion Stone as the Hot Potato Stone (specifying lare290)
2024-09-05 00:00:58     all stones revert to Agora

Hat: steampunk hat
Vitality: alive
Bang holdings: 1

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