Illuminator's weekly report
Radiance as of 2024-12-03
(Previous report 2024-11-25)

Recent events
25 Nov 2024 11:11:02   last Illuminator report

-----  --------  --------  ----------  --------
1st    JWN       21                    21
2nd    AIS       14                    14
3rd    BEN       12                    12
4th    MUR       11                    11
5th    KAT       7                     7
6th    JNT       4                     4
       SNL       4                     4
       YCY       4                     4
9th    IMM       1                     1
       JPR       1                     1
       LIZ       1                     1
       MCF       1                     1
       NIX       1                     1
       QDR       1                     1

       Total     83                    83

[0] 4ST = 4st; AIS = ais523; ANK = Anneke-Constantine; ARI = Aris; BEN = Ben; BEO = beokirby; BLB = blob; CBN = cuddlybanana; IMM = Immae; IWR = inalienableWright; JAF = Jaff; JNT = Janet; JPR = Juniper; JWN = juan; KAT = Kate; KIA = kiako; LAB = literallyAmbiguous; LEE = R. Lee; LIZ = Liz Wake; MCF = Mischief; MCY = Mercury; MLN = Maloney; MUR = Murphy; NIX = nix; QDR = Quadrantal; SNL = snail; WST = wunst; YCY = Yachay;

[1] Since last official report.

If you'd like to change your three letter name, please let the Illuminator know.

Collector, Illuminator, Prime Minister
Hat: steampunk hat
Vitality: alive
Bang holdings: 2

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