
Thank you for pointing out the lognormal section in
Webster & Oliver. I must confess I hadn't got round to
looking at it in detail.

Their simplification of the lognormal variance is
based on the assumptions (see p.179) that:

(a) the lagrangian multiplier would be close to zero
if the mean is well known
(b) the simple kriging weights would sum close to one
if the data is dense enough

The assumption (a) is one which has also been asserted
by Peter Dowd in some of his publications. 

>From practical experience (over 30 years) we find that
the lagrangian multiplier is seldom close to zero and,
in fact, where data is dense will tend to be large and

We have also done some fairly intensive practical
studies of simple kriging and found that, where data
is dense, the kriging weights will tend to be very
much greater than 1 so that the wieght applied to the
"known" mean will be large and negative. Where data is
sparse, weights sum to very much less than 1 so that
poorly sampled areas are allocated the 'global' mean. 

Equations 8.35 and 8.39 rely on these assumptions and
the implicit one that the only difference between the
variance of the real values and that of the estimates
is due to the simple kriging variance (i.e. no
condiitonal bias). It has been asserted by several
authors that simple kriging corrects for conditional
bias. Would that that was true!!

Equation 8.36 for ordinary kriging is correct, but we
prefer to use Sichel's proper lognormal confidence
intervals rather than back-transform the variance as
shown in equation 8.37. To use this form you would
have to assume that your errors were Normal even
though your data was lognormal.

I think there is a typo in equation 8.38 and the
subscript 'Y' should be 'SK' to bring it into line
with the other formulae.

The definitive math on the lognormal backtransform can
be found in Noel Cressie's book in equation 3.2.40
(for both types of kriging). Simpler explanations of
the same form can be found in some of my papers at
(note the capital P and look for papers in the second
half of the 1990s).

Isobel Clark

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