There is, also vis5d that from what I have seen it could works.
Then also in grass gis software there is something for 3D visualization.
In general I have seen that most software for 3D visualization work fine for continuos attributes while for discrete one you
have to play a little with color scale to get the correct visualization.
You can also think to write a small code that convert your geostatistical output in an autocad script....for example that draw every cell as a solid box with the color related to your this way you will have all the nice (but expensive) functions of autocad.

S. Trevisani

At 02.26 13/03/2006, M. Nur Heriawan wrote:
Hello everybody,

I have 3D categorical output data in X, Y, and Z
resulted from interpolation. I need a program or
software for visualizing those data in 3D block model.
I have used PIXELPLT (from GSLIB) to make any slices
in XY, XZ, and YZ directions, but it could not be used
for 3D block visualization.

So, could anybody suggest me which free or comercial
program (or software) I should use in this purpose?

Thanks for your helps.

Best regards,

Nur Heriawan
Earth Resources Exploration Research Group
Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB)

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