Dear amit Bhai, you are absolutely right but as far as names are
concerned we didn’t want to give cheap publicity to jokers and stupid
persons of the community
who are trying to threaten us and make us keep quiet as we will not be
diverted from our main objective of serving the community.

The second major issue is that we are just shocked to notice that the
so called disability rights activists of the community who talk about
raising issues
of females and community are quiet on this crucial matter.

And third and most important thing is that organizations are
threatening us for raising the crucial issue but all the leaders of
the community are numb
on this or they don’t have guts to come and condemn the people who are
creating mess and trying to make us keep quiet…
We have also noticed that most of our female’s activists who calls
themselves sexual and disability activist choose to stay mum on this
important issue.

On 9/7/17, Amit Bhatt via Ai <> wrote:
> Dear Danish and Radio Udaan,
> Why don't you expose the person and Organization who has threaten you over
> the phone for conducting the show on Radio.
> This is a serious matter and needs more focus as threatening over the phone
> is itself a crime.
> I am surprised indirectly some people are trying to make other bloggers of
> this list afraid by giving legal worning and refraining the discussion as a
> whole.
> Radio Udaan has also revealed many positive and good things about various
> NGO's in previously broadcasted shows, why those organizations have not
> raised any question then and why Radio Udaan was not rewarded for that work
> if today we are talking about the legal actions to be taken against a media
> mode like Radio udaan.
> Every matter for every indivisual or group is sensitive and couple of weeks
> back a large number of the subscriber of this list have discussed an issue
> related to rape by ablind accused, why this discussion was not interupted?
> Was that matter not sensitive for the said accused?
> How we can be selective about what sensitive matter is to be discussed or
> what not.
> Let's try to resolve every issue by accepting the pits and falls and do not
> try to divert from the main cause of concern
> And please also do not try to stop the voices in the name of legal worning.
> The doors of law are open to everyone and lawyers are available to every
> citizen of India.
> this entire issue was already brought under public domain by various media
> channels.
> It would have been nice if one could simply say that we are working towards
> this matter and we would require the support from all of you but
> unfortunately some members are being threaten or worned. This is not a right
> message.
> This would be my final message unless we receive any unsolicited or
> threatening response.
> Thanks,
> Amit Bhatt
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Radio Udaan via Ai" <>
> To: "ai" <>
>     Cc: "Radio Udaan" <>
> Se    nt: Wednesday, September 6, 2017 6:29 PM
> Subject: [Ai] Official statement of Radioudaan pertaining to the discussion
> on latest incident in Nab Delhi
>> Official statement of Radioudaan pertaining to the discussion on
>> latest incident in Nab Delhi
>> Dear all,
>> Greetings from Radio Udaan
>> We, radioudaan, a disability community radio work only and only for
>> community and talk about improving the conditions of brothers and
>> sisters in the community. Recently we had conducted a discussion on
>> the molestation case which took place in NAB, Delhi. Since there are
>> so many rumors which r floating around and in this regard we have come
>> up with our official statement to clear the air. We have got many
>> feedback with respect to the discussion we had last evening and many r
>> very happy to see us raise this topic as best as we could. On the
>> other hand also we got many complaints from many organizations who r
>> very disturbed with our reporting. Also a few individuals also
>> complained on the coverage.
>> Radio Udaan is a very responsible station and we take full
>> responsibility on our coverage. We quote Mr. Prashant Ranjan Verma who
>> has written the following statement on a social platform.,
>> (The incident reported in the newspapers and by Radio Udaan is under
>> the POCSO act where people are forbidden to reveal anything which
>> could lead to the
>> Identity of the victims.
>> The way people discuss things on the AI list, I am afraid it could
>> invite legal action by the police.
>> So, please do not allow this to go through. I am of course available
>> to answer questions on phone or personal email.
>> Yesterday Radio Udaan has done a very disturbing show on this already
>> and they got lot of complains already.
>> Thanks,
>> Prashant Verma)
>> We would also like to clarify that we take full responsibility and are
>> ready to face any legal action with regards to our show. As far as the
>> statement of Mr. Verma that Radio Udaan has done a very disturbing
>> show and we have got a lot of complaints for that we would like to
>> clarify that we have got just one complaint which was more of a
>> threatening call rather than being a complaint.
>> In India we have right to speak so we cannot stop anyone from
>> presenting their views and as per the revealing of identity is
>> concerned we have already removed the objectionable stuff from the
>> show and we have posted a statement on you tube also. This statement
>> is given by our general secretary Mr. Danish mahajan and one can
>> easily listen to it by typing radioudaan statement on latest
>> discussion on incident in NAB delhi.
>> Whenever in future we will do such a show organizations will get
>> disturbed with our coverage and this is bound to happen as such
>> incidents are very disturbing in nature but we will continue to do
>> such shows and make people disturbed. We are very happy that our
>> reporting and coverage make some people get disturbed and we also hope
>> that bringing such incidents to light will make a better environment
>> for us all in the society.
>> We request all the organizations that instead of stopping us they must
>> improve the environment in their circle
>> That would help us to cover positive news and make the society aware
>> of some new improvements in the community.
>> Whatever the consequences may be we will work for our community and
>> will keep on talking about all the positives and negatives openly…
>> Here are the you tube links of show of discussion and official
>> statement by radio udaan.
>> Thank you
>> Radio udaan team!!!
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we want peace not pieces.
Danish Mahajan
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