
Tot Mallorca està d'enhorabona! Gràcies a www.periodistadigital.com 
però també gràcies a Diari de Balears i Última Hora, el tema de la 
piscina de Pedro J. Ramírez ha arribat a les pàgines de The New 
York Times. Ben mirat, una de les coses pitjors que li podia passar 
en la vida a Pedro J. Ramírez avui, 23-F (aniversari de l'intent de 
cop d'estat) li acaba de succeir. Com ja sap molta gent, el vanitós i 
estufat sense plomes, Pedro J. Ramírez, s'ha autoproclamat un 
milió de vegades hereu del periodisme d'investigació del 
Washington Post que l'any 1972 va destapar l'escàndol conegut com 
Watergate i va forçar la dimissió del president dels USA, Richard 
Nixon. El que no es podia imaginar mai Pedro J. Ramírez el primer 
dia que va trepitjar Mallorca i va decidir comprar la casa de Costa 
dels Pins, és que l'escàndol de la seva piscina il.legal el duria pel 
camí de l'amargura i acabaria estampat amb lletres de motle 
damunt les planes del diari The New York Times. Idò, què se 
pensava, aquest foraster torrepipes! Més se'n mereix! Vius i ungles! 
Que prenguin llum de na Pintora tots els pedrojotes que pasturen 
per dins Mallorca:  qui gosa ofendre i abusar de l'hospitalitat del 
poble mallorquí, més aviat prest que tard, ho acaba lamentant! Amb 
Mallorca, no s'hi juga!

P.S: Matías Vallés, meiam si n'aprens d'una puta vegada!

Reproduït de www.periodistadigital.com

Destaca que es "una nueva especie" que no tiene miedo a los 
poderosos ni debe nada a nadieThe New York Times afirma que 
Periodista Digital es pionero en el nuevo periodismo europeo 

PD23/02/05, 16.34 horas 

El sacrosanto New York Times, la biblia de la prensa liberal mundial, 
se ha hecho eco del nuevo fenómeno. En un amplio reportaje, que 
ocupa casi una página de su sección Business Media, el diario 
neoyorquino describe con minucioso detalle la eclosión de la prensa 
digital en Europa, con especial atención al caso español.

"Periodista Digital es uno de los diarios digitales más leídos en 
España, con 115.000 socios registrados", escribe Doreen Carvajal en 
el NYT. "En un día cualquiera, 4.000 personas se conectan durante 
el desayuno para leer los titulares sobre los gastos en publicidad del 
Gobierno socialista, o el último capítulo en la historia de un 
importante director de un diario que ha extendido su piscina hacia el 
mar desatando una polémica sobre la legalidad de la ampliación".

Con tanta exactitud como minuciosidad, el reportaje describe la 
complicada peripecia de la prensa digital en Europa y las maniobras, 
en el caso español, de parte de la prensa tradicional para cerrar el 
paso o cercenar sus fuentes de financiación.

The New York Times / Business MediaEurope Teems With Web 
Dailies That Twit the Mainstream Press

By DOREEN CARVAJALInternational Herald Tribune Published: 
February 21, 2005 

PARIS - The brothers David and Alfonso Rojo are pioneer publishers 
who monitor the heartbeat of their Spanish digital "newspaper of 
newspapers" with periodic glances toward tiny numbers on a 
computer screen in Madrid.

Mornings are the most satisfying for David Rojo, who labels his 
competitors the "traditional and rotten press." His Web portal, 
Periodista Digital, is one of the most widely read digital dailies in 
Spain, with 115,000 registered subscribers.

On a typical day, 4,000 people log on over breakfast to headlines 
about the Socialist government's spending on publicity, or the latest 
chapter in the story of a prominent Spanish newspaper editor whose 
expanded seaside pool has provoked a debate about its legality.

"We have no fear of powerful people - we have no shame," said 
David Rojo, who started Periodista Digital with a few other journalists 
and who works out of new offices in Madrid. "We don't have to keep 
loyalty to anyone."

The Web is a sprawling space that has spawned new breeds of 
digital press gadflies like the Rojos and an assortment of self-
appointed cybermonitors of the conventional news media in Europe.

Across the world, their sharp comments can provoke an array of 
reactions: amusement, insults, public outrage, blunt legal threats. 
Yet these Web sites and Web logs, or blogs, are scoured by policy 
makers and the political elite.

"It's a phenomenon that has grown very much," said Mónica 
Ridruejo, a former member of the European Parliament who runs her 
own media consulting firm, Dragonaria, in Madrid. "People like to 
see the scoops there, and everyone talks about them at lunchtime."

Advertisers are also taking notice, with distinct regional differences. 
For example, big banks and telecommunication companies post 
strategic banners on popular Spanish digital press sites, known as 
confidenciales, for their mix of spicy insider gossip about business, 
politics and the media. But conventional advertisers steer clear in 
Italy, where a popular tabloid-style site, Dagospia, feasts on 
pornographic advertising.

So popular are press gadfly sites that when the international German 
broadcaster Deutsche Welle organized its first awards for best 
international blogs in December, journalism, media and technology 
were the dominant themes of more than 1,000 of the Web logs that 
were judged. Judges awarded prizes to media blogs in seven 
languages, like Media Noise (Medienrauschen) in Germany and 
Ponto Media in Portugal, which is so mainstream in some ways that 
it is now published in Publico, a popular Lisbon daily.

Konstanin Klein, a Deutsche Welle editor in Berlin who was on the 
judging panel, said he had favorites but wondered whether the sites 
were fads that would quickly fade.

"Many of these bloggers claim that blogging is grassroots 
journalism, while of course the establishment media has a problem 
with that," Mr. Klein said. "There's more to journalism than just 
writing things up, such as doing the research and fact-checking, 
which is not always popular among bloggers"

But fact-checking is what draws more than 300,000 readers a month 
to Bildblog, a media monitor that was created in the summer of 
2004 and dissects the tabloid reports of Bild, Germany's leading 
daily, which has a paid circulation of more than 3.8 million.

Four journalists with conventional day jobs scan Bild in their off hours 
to interpret and analyze the tabloid.

Bildblog recently did some shallow digging after Bild promoted its 
exclusive interview with an aging former American soldier, Herbert 
Lee Stivers, who says he believes that he may have passed poison 
to the convicted German war criminal Hermann Goering, who 
committed suicide at Nuremberg with cyanide. As Bildblog quickly 
noticed, The Los Angeles Times had reported the news a week 

The site, created in June 2004, draws about 10,000 visitors a day, 
with many readers sending tips to an e-mail address, said Christoph 
Schultheis, a freelance journalist and the only founding member of 
Bildblog who was willing to talk publicly.

"We started doing it because in the daily newspaper business we 
read Bild anyway," Mr. Schultheis said. "We always found small 
things we can't put in other newspapers because we can't do it every 
day. So we decided to create a place to collect them." 

Many of Bildblog's readers appear to be Bild employees, Mr. 
Schultheis said. Bild's management is philosophical about the 

"Bildblog is hardly above the threshold of our attention," said Tobias 
Fröhlich, a spokesman for Bild's parent company, Axel Springer. "We 
can't help liking it. It is full of silly assertions, pure nonsense and 
refreshingly biased stories. Moreover, Bildblog boasts the 
importance of Bild by calling us the undisputed opinion leader and 
agenda setter in Germany. What more can one ask for?"

The view is darker in Spain, where some senior media executives 
have attacked the confidenciales that have sprouted alongside 
Periodista Digital.

Periodista Digital, which contains a mixture of original news and 
stories compiled from other news outlets, used to e-mail bulletins 
with links to many of the major confidenciales. But after Alfonso Rojo 
became editor in chief recently, the links were eliminated. Mr. Rojo, 
a former war correspondent for El Mundo, said that with a planned 
expansion, Periodista Digital no longer wanted "to be in the same 
boat with them."

The confidenciales are a twist on a form of Spanish communication 
that dates to the last years of Franco's rule and the transition to 
democracy in the 1980's, said Mara Sánchez González, who is 
preparing a doctoral thesis on the phenomenon.

The confidential bulletins usually offered information about politics 
or business to an "exclusive number of paid subscribers that paid a 
high price for access to information that wasn't available in other 
types of media," she said. But Web sites give the confidenciales 
more power and influence because they can be distributed free and 
quickly to a broader group of people.

El Confidencial, one of about a dozen such sites, has explored the 
finances of Jesus Polanco, the chairman of Grupo Prisa, which owns 
El País, the Madrid daily. El Confidencial also has referred to 
investments made by the media group's chief executive, Juan Luis 
Cebrian, a former editor of El País.

Mr. Cebrian has been openly disdainful of confidenciales, criticizing 
their reliance on anonymous rumors and demanding new measures 
to encourage the digital press to be as "respectable, trustworthy, 
credible and rigorous as the print press." El Mundo, another Madrid 
daily, then followed with an editorial, calling some confidenciales a 
form of trash, "cyberbasura." 

After those attacks, the digital publications questioned Mr. Cebrian's 
motives, arguing that he feared competition, but some conceded 
that there was room for improvement on ethics.

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