Hi Jiunjiun,

what you are seeing has been fixed in 2.3.0: we used to send one
DeathWatchNotification to the parent (for cleanup) and one to every watcher
(for the obvious reason), which would in this case send it twice to the
parent. If the parent terminates quickly enough in response to the first
one, you would see that warning.



On Fri, Mar 14, 2014 at 1:02 AM, Jiunjiun Ma <jiunjiu...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I am also seeing this message in my log (though I am not using the
> TestActorRef). Similar to your test, I have a actor which monitors a child
> and kills itself when the child terminated. Though it doesn't seem to be
> harmful, but it's quite annoying. Wonder what's the cause and how to get
> rid of it.
> --Jiunjiun
> On Thursday, March 6, 2014 2:18:11 PM UTC-8, Jonas K wrote:
>> I'm writing tests for an actor that monitors a child actor. If the child
>> actor dies, the monitor  also stops.
>> Since upgrading to Akka-2.2, I get a warning message when running the
>> test (most of the time...):
>> [default-akka.actor.default-dispatcher-2] [akka://default/user/Monitor]
>> Message [akka.dispatch.sysmsg.DeathWatchNotification] from
>> TestActor[akka://default/user/Monitor] to 
>> TestActor[akka://default/user/Monitor]
>> was not delivered. [1] dead letters encountered.
>> I'm wondering why the actor appears to be sending a
>> DeathWatchNotification to itself, and why it is not delivered, since the
>> test itself checks that the actor dies.
>> The test code:
>> "monitor the quick and the dead" in new ActorSystemContext {
>>   val monitor = TestProbe()
>>   val a = TestActorRef(new MonitoringActor, "Monitor")
>>   monitor.watch(a)
>>   a ! "hi!"
>>   monitor.expectTerminated(a)
>> }
>> The actors (minimal versions of actual code):
>> class DyingActor extends Actor {
>>   def receive = {
>>     case _ => context.stop(self)
>>   }
>> }
>> class MonitoringActor extends Actor {
>>   def receive = {
>>     case Terminated(a) => context.stop(self)
>>     case _ => {
>>       val dyingActor = context.actorOf(Props(new DyingActor))
>>       context.watch(dyingActor)
>>       dyingActor ! "hi"
>>     }
>>   }
>> }
>>  --
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