Hi Boris,

That path looks weird:

Maybe an URI encoding missing somewhere. Do you have a minimized code that
reproduces the problem?


On Tue, Mar 25, 2014 at 11:40 PM, Boris Capitanu <bor...@gmail.com> wrote:

> In the mean time I found that I was looking at a slightly older version of
> the configuration (for 2.3-M1), and found the "BalancingPool" in the 2.3.0
> docs.
> However, using the following config:
>   actor.deployment {
>     /receiver {
>       router = round-robin-pool
>       nr-of-instances = 1
>       target.nodes = [ "akka.tcp://systemA@localhost:2553" ]
>     }
>     "/receiver/*/workerPool" {
>       router = balancing-pool
>       nr-of-instances = 4
>     }
>   }
> and the following actor creation code in the "Receiver":
>   val workerPool = context.actorOf(FromConfig.props(Props[Worker]),
> "workerPool")
> I still get the first exception from my previous post:
>> path parameter: Invalid path 
>> 'BalancingPool-/akka.tcp/systemB@localhost:61671/user/receiver/c1/workerPool':
>> Token not allowed in path expression: '@' (Reserved character '@' is not
>> allowed outside quotes) (you can double-quote this token if you really want
>> it here)
> Same error if I try to define it in code, rather than in config (having
> removed the configuration entry for "/receiver/*/workerPool" shown above):
>   val workerPool = context.actorOf(
>     BalancingPool(4).props(Props[Worker]),
>     name = "workerPool"
>   )
> The error:
>> path parameter: Invalid path 
>> 'BalancingPool-/akka.tcp/systemB@localhost:61705/user/receiver/c1/workerPool':
>>> Token not allowed in path expression: '@' (Reserved character '@' is not
>>> allowed outside quotes) (you can double-quote this token if you really want
>>> it here)
> -Boris
> --
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