Hi Christian,

Do you have a small reproducible test case that exposes the problem? If you
do, please share so we can look into the possible issue.


On Sun, May 4, 2014 at 2:07 PM, Nicola Piccinini <piccin...@gmail.com>wrote:

> Yes, http://doc.akka.io/docs/akka/snapshot/scala/persistence.
>> html#state-machines
> thank you for the pointer.
> The problem was that I had overwritten preStart, with something like:
> super.preStart()
> self ! Message
> and that did not play well with Processor.
> Since it is probably not a good idea, I have refactored my FSM and I am
> not overwriting #preStart anymore.
> Now, in "normal" condition, my Processor-FSM runs fine but I have a new
> problem.
> I have some tests for the FSM, I  have just updated to last scalatest
> version to be sure to use the most up to date stuff:
> "com.typesafe.akka" %% "akka-actor" % "2.3.2",
> "com.typesafe.akka" %% "akka-persistence-experimental" % "2.3.2",
> "org.scalatest" %% "scalatest" % "2.1.5" % "test",
> "com.typesafe.akka" %% "akka-testkit" % "2.3.2" % "test",
> "org.mockito" % "mockito-core" % "1.9.5" % "test"
> One test is a mixin between FunSpec and akka TestKit and looks like:
> >-------------
> val brain = mock[SchedulerBrain]
> when(brain.timeoutFor).thenReturn(Map[Symbol,
> FiniteDuration]().withDefaultValue(50.seconds))
> when(brain.schedule(Mock.gate, Map())).thenReturn(Map("123" ->
> "/collector/123"))
> fsmRef = createFsmRef(brain)
> Thread.sleep(100)
> assert(fsmRef.stateName === Waiting)
> assert(fsmRef.stateData === Map("123" -> "/collector/123"))
> verify(brain).schedule(Mock.gate, Map())
> -------------<
> When my FSM is an Actor (not a Processor), the test run successfully and
> this is the log:
> [DEBUG] [05/04/2014 13:57:35.228] [default-scheduler-1]
> [akka://default/user/$$a] transition
> org.peach.moma.schedulers.CollectorsScheduler$Waiting$@7a7d0e26 ->
> org.peach.moma.schedulers.CollectorsScheduler$Scheduling$@62170848
> [DEBUG] [05/04/2014 13:57:35.229] [default-scheduler-1]
> [akka://default/user/$$a] processing Event(Scheduled(Map(123 ->
> /collector/123)),Map()) from TestActor[akka://default/user/$$a]
> [DEBUG] [05/04/2014 13:57:35.230] [default-scheduler-1]
> [akka://default/user/$$a] transition
> org.peach.moma.schedulers.CollectorsScheduler$Scheduling$@62170848 ->
> org.peach.moma.schedulers.CollectorsScheduler$Waiting$@7a7d0e26
> When my FSM is a Processor, then I have this assertion error:
> Map() did not equal Map("123" -> "/collector/123")
> and no logs related to the FSM transitions (???).
> The only difference is about extending Actor or Processor, I am not yet
> using any Persistent message so the behaviour should not vary, I think.
> I have another test related to that FSM and also it is green with Actor,
> red with Processor, so it really seems that persistence is affecting tests
> in a bad way.
> Any idea?
> Thanks
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