Howdy All,

This is my first post and I am new to Akka and Scala but very excited about 
using Akka Persistence and CQRS / ES for a new Web application I am 
developing.  I have been reading a lot about CQRS / ES and playing around 
with Akka Persistence and have a few questions I hope you can help me with.

I am warming to the idea of Views being able to track the journal of a 
Processor (sort of a compromise pub-sub that will work with replicated 
journals).  I assume Views are meant to build the read model.  However, I 
wonder how I am meant to maintain a View(s) for each EventsourcedProcessor 
when there may be many Processors?

Take the classic example of aggregate root Order, with an EP representing 
it.  How does the View get constructed for each Order, particularly if 
there are a very large number of Orders?  Do I just create one (or more) 
Views each time an Order is created and let them sit around (and go 
inactive / idle)?

I know Actors don't take up much memory when inactive / idle but if I have 
a whole lot of Orders do I really need a separate View(s) for each. 
Wouldn't it be better to have some sort of generic OrderView that can 
handle event from any Order's journal?  It could singularly then manage a 
denormalised Order store. 

Similarly, I guess for the domain model.  Will my EPs for particular 
aggregate roots be created each time I need to access them or do they live 
forever as Actor in the name space / paths?  It seems like I have two 
stores representing the entities (journal for data and Actor name space / 
path for identity) .

Finally, I believe I would like to track all the events that get added to 
the entire journal (treating it like a combined log).  Is that possible? 
 Is it one big log-like thing or are there really separate journals for 
each Processor?  Similarly, what about a View that tracked changes to all 
Orders and all Receipts?  

My understanding is that the Views will be used to update the read model 
(e.g. some denormalised store, like MongoDB optimised for client querying). 
 It seems to me that the handling of such updates would be better done by a 
few Views rather than one for every aggregate root. Please explain what I 
am missing.

I hope those questions make sense and many thanks in advance for any 
comments or suggestions.



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