Hi Matthew,

On 05.05.14 21:21, Matthew Howard wrote:
Has anyone implemented an akka persistence journal for older versions of Cassandra? I see the current journal is dependent on C* v2.0.3 or higher (https://github.com/krasserm/akka-persistence-cassandra) but my app is currently on 1.1.9 and we are only actively planning to upgrade to v1.2 (just found this out - I thought we were moving to 2).

I'm guessing there isn't one already out there, but thought I'd ask before attempting to implement one. Assuming I would need to implement it (probably a question for Martin directly) any warnings or recommendations? At first glance I'd obviously need to tweak the create keyspace/columnfamily commands (and change the driver), but I'm not seeing anything that appears to be too wildly dependent on C* v2.0.3 features. The handling of the partition_nr seems to be the biggest issue - I'm thinking we could just create the rowkey as a concatenation of the processor_id and partition_nr (e.g. "myprocessor-0", "myprocessor-1", etc... ). But I think/hope? otherwise the composite columns should work the same and I'm not going to get myself into a rabbit hole...

The partition_nr is needed to split rows across nodes, otherwise, all messages of a single processor are stored on the same node (given your rowkey design). This shouldn't be a problem with, let's say, < 1 billion messages per processor. However, if you want your processors to scale with a larger number of messages, there's no way around row splitting.

Hope that helps.


Thanks in advance,
Matt Howard

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Martin Krasser

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