
I'm writing a very simple UDP server that echos messages back to a sender.
The sender tries to spam the server. When I run the client, I get a lot of
`Send(ByteString(......), NoAk(null))` responses. The UDP server literally
just echos the content back. It isn't doing any blocking compute.

Any ideas what I can do to get rid of these send failures? Code below.


*import *java.net.InetSocketAddress*import *akka.actor.{Props,
ActorSystem, ActorRef, Actor}*import *akka.io.{UdpConnected, IO,
Udp}*import *akka.util.ByteString*import
*scala.collection.immutable.Queue*object *Client {  *def *main(args:
Array[*String*]): Unit = {    *println*(*"Client starting up"*)
*val **Array*(host, port) = args    *val *system =
*ActorSystem*(*"boo"*)    *val *ss = system.actorOf(*Props*(*new
*SendStuffConnected(*new *InetSocketAddress(host, port.toInt))))
*println*(*"Client started"*)    *this *synchronized {      *this
*wait 1000    }    *println*(*"Sending messages"*)    *for*(i <- 1 to
10000) {      ss ! *f"**$*i*: Hi Mum"
*      ss ! *f"**$*i*: Yo Dad"
*    }    *println*(*"Client sent message"*)  }}*case class
*SendStuffConnected(address: InetSocketAddress) *extends *Actor {
*import **context*.system  *IO*(UdpConnected) !
UdpConnected.*Connect*(*self*, address)  *def *receive: *Receive *=
awaitReady()    *def *awaitReady(msgs: Queue[*String*] =
Queue.*empty*): *Receive *= {    *case *UdpConnected.Connected =>
*println*(*f"Client awaiting ready with messages: **$*msgs*"*)
*context *become ready(sender())      msgs foreach (*self *! _)
*case *msg: *String *=>      *println*(*f"Client stashing message:
**$*msg*"*)      *context *become awaitReady(msgs enqueue msg)  }
*def *ready(connection: ActorRef): *Receive *= {    *case *msg:
*String *=>      *println*(*f"Client sending message: **$*msg*"*)
connection ! UdpConnected.*Send*(*ByteString*(msg))    *case
*UdpConnected.*Received*(data) =>      *println*(*f"Client received
message **$*{data.utf8String}*"*)    *case *d @
UdpConnected.Disconnect =>      connection ! d    *case
*UdpConnected.Disconnected =>      *context *stop *self
*    *case *UdpConnected.*CommandFailed*(cmd) =>      cmd *match *{
    *case *UdpConnected.*Send*(msg, ack) =>
*println*(*f"Failed sending : **$*{msg.utf8String}*"*)        *case *_
=>          *println*(*f"Failed with: **$*cmd*"*)      }
*println*(*f"Failed command: **$*cmd*"*)    *case *unexpected =>
*println*(*f"Client got unexpected message: **$*unexpected*"*)  }  }

*import *java.net.InetSocketAddress*import *akka.actor.{Props,
ActorRef, ActorSystem, Actor}*import *akka.io.{Udp, IO}*object *Server
{  *def *main(args: Array[*String*]): Unit = {    *println*(*"Server
starting up"*)    *val **Array*(host, port) = args    *val *system =
*ActorSystem*(*"boo"*)    *val *rs = system.actorOf(*Props*(*new
*ReceiveStuff(*new *InetSocketAddress(host, port.toInt))))
*println*(*"Server started"*)  }}*class *ReceiveStuff(address:
InetSocketAddress) *extends *Actor {  *import **context*.system
*IO*(Udp) ! Udp.*Bind*(*self*, address)  *override def *receive:
*Receive *= {    *case *Udp.*Bound*(local) =>      *println*(*f"Server
bound to **$*local*"*)      *context *become ready(sender())    *case
*unhandled =>      *println*(*f"Server received unhandled message:
**$*unhandled*"*)  }  *def *ready(socket: ActorRef): *Receive *= {
*case *Udp.*Received*(data, remote) =>*//      println(f"Server
received message: ${data.utf8String} from ${remote}")
*      socket ! Udp.*Send*(data, remote) *// echo
*    *case *Udp.Unbind =>      socket ! Udp.Unbind    *case
*Udp.Unbound =>      *context *stop *self
*    *case *unhandled =>      *println*(*f"Server received unhandled
message: **$*unhandled*"*)  }}

Dr Matthew Pocock
Turing ate my hamster LTD
mailto: turingatemyhams...@gmail.com

Integrative Bioinformatics Group, School of Computing Science, Newcastle
mailto: matthew.poc...@ncl.ac.uk

gchat: turingatemyhams...@gmail.com
msn: matthew_poc...@yahoo.co.uk
irc.freenode.net: drdozer
skype: matthew.pocock
tel: (0191) 2566550
mob: +447535664143

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