On Monday, June 2, 2014 1:03:18 PM UTC-7, Chris Ochs wrote:
> So 2.3 introduced changes that wreck havoc with those of us using Akka 
> from languages like Jruby.  Namely being forced to pass java classes to 
> props instead of being able to pass instances. 
> stack overflow has a question about this that illustrates the problem:
> http://stackoverflow.com/questions/23373819/subclassing-a-java-class-in-jruby-with-generics-information
> I'm  playing around with using IndirectActorProducer, although it looks 
> like actorClass might be a problem there.
> I'm hoping someone has an idea on how to solve this.  This is for an 
> existing project with a large codebase, so I will go to dark places to 
> solve this if I absolutely have to, I just don't want to do that:)
> Chris

So I have something that runs.  I basically created a class in java that 
implements IndirectActorProducer and passed it the factory object I have 
been using up till now.  Then with an additional java interface I can call 
the ruby factory object to get my actor.

But actorClass is an issue.  What are the implications of the return value 
of actorClass not matching the actor's class?  Currently I am returning the 
java class that the ruby classes inherit from, which usually UntypedActor.


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