Hello Tim!
The PersistentActor is not the guy with the lock, it’s the (LevelDB)

You only need 1 actor system running (and one journal) to test what you
want, example:

class MyPersistentActor(override val persistenceId: String) extends
PersistentActor {
  // … persist events, handle recovery...

// test:
val act = sys.actorOf(Props[MyPersistentActor](“id-1212"))
act ! “persist-me-1”
act ! “persist-me-2” // persist(){} those

val act2 = sys.actorOf(Props[MyPersistentActor](“id-1212”))
// recovery kicks in, because they get the same persistenceId

act ! “what’s the last persist-me-### you got?”
expectMsg(“persist-me-2”) // because recovery

I hope this helps, happy hakking!
Konrad 'ktoso' Malawski
hAkker @ typesafe

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