Hello Javier,
It's a bit hard to answer on event design questions when we discuss
"Entity" and "Event" :-)
But in general these events should have some meaning, not only
"AttributeUpdated" - as in "BughtItem", "ShippedThingy", "ConfirmedPayment".

Play around with the granularity of your events, maybe you're being too
fine grained?
These are good books about DDD in general, so if you haven't already you
might want to check them out:

* "THE Book":


On Mon, Jul 14, 2014 at 11:56 AM, Javier Santos Paniego <jsan...@tecsisa.com
> wrote:

> Hi,
> I have a modifiable entity with lots of attributes that might be
> values(like dates) or entity references :
> case class Entity(attribute1: String, attribute2: Int, ..., attribute22:
> Boolean)
> My question is: If I follow DDD and Event sourcing philosophy, should I
> have an action and an event for each modifiable attribute?
> Maybe I could avoid writing some boilerplate if I used macros (action
> 'UpdateAttribute(attributename, value)' and event
> 'AttributeUpdated(attributename,value)') but, is this a sane practise?
> Is there any other simplier way to do that?
> Thanks for any advise,
> Javier
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Konrad 'ktoso' Malawski
hAkker @ Typesafe


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