Thanks for the detailed reply on SO! We're almost certainly going with your 
recommended method of tagging requests and responses with an id field, but 
I thought a wider discussion could be interesting.

On Tuesday, July 22, 2014 10:59:41 AM UTC-4, Konrad Malawski wrote:
> You're welcome :-)
> Happy hakking!
> On Tue, Jul 22, 2014 at 4:53 PM, Paul Kinsky < 
> <javascript:>> wrote:
>> I recently posted this question on Stack Overflow, as Waiting on 
>> multiple Akka FSM messages 
>> <>.
>> I got one great answer (reproduced below) from Konrad 'ktoso' Malawski. I'm 
>> reposting it on this list just in case there are any other methods for 
>> distinguishing between responses.
>> My question:
>>> I have an Akka FSM actor that runs the following pseudocode after 
>>> receiving a message while in ReadyState
>>> lookupA ! Wrapper(Lookup("A"))
>>> lookupB ! Wrapper(Lookup("B"))
>>> lookupC ! Wrapper(Lookup("C"))
>>> goto(LookingUpDataState) using DataFound(a = None, b = None, c = None)
>>> The actor then waits for responses which can be either FullResult[T]
>>>  (extending ServiceResult[T]) or Empty (extending ServiceResult[Nothing]). 
>>> Successful lookup results are used to populate the DataFound instance's 
>>> fields and Empty lookup results result in a logged error message and the 
>>> termination of the actor.
>>> My question is this: how can I determine which lookup failed, so that I 
>>> can log the failure or fallback to a default value? All I can think of is 
>>> examining the sender's ActorRef (hacky) or adding a unique ID field to all 
>>> messages (high overhead).
>>> This is a simple problem to solve using Ask's and Futures. Does an 
>>> idiomatic Akka solution exist?
>> Konrad's answer:
>>> There's a few patterns you could use here. You will have to resort to 
>>> one of these options listed below. They all have some trade off (and 
>>> benchmarking is king anyway), but I've listed them in order of "bad to 
>>> good",
>>>    - performing the queries in-order, so send A, wait for A response, 
>>>    send B ... But that's *horrible* - as in needlessly sequential. 
>>>    - use the ask pattern, so you'll spin up (internally that's how ask 
>>>    works) 3 actors, and they'll complete "their own" future. So this also 
>>> has 
>>>    some cost on the sender because it has to start these special purpose 
>>>    actors (smaller than a normal actor, but still). 
>>>    - Yes, you'll need to tag these messages somehow. So you'd send some 
>>>    ID and the response must contain the same ID, then you know it's "oh 
>>> it's 
>>>    the response for A" etc. I would argue that this is the recommended way 
>>> to 
>>>    go here. 
>>>    - there's a *contrib* pattern available in Akka called the 
>>>    Aggregator, which is designed for this use case, so you might want to 
>>> check 
>>>    it out: 
>>>    if you like it or not is very much a matter of personal taste I guess. 
>>> My personal favourite (we tend to avoid ask in general) would be 
>>> tagging the requests in an Envelope(id, payload) so the responses can 
>>> also be wrapped in such Envelope(id, response). If you decide to call 
>>> these simply envelope or more with domain terminology is up to you.
>>> Hope this helps.
>>  -- 
>> >>>>>>>>>> Read the docs:
>> >>>>>>>>>> Check the FAQ: 
>> >>>>>>>>>> Search the archives:
>> --- 
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> -- 
> Cheers,
> Konrad 'ktoso' Malawski
> hAkker @ Typesafe
> <>

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