The issue of testing business functionality that may be implemented in the 
class extending Actor has been raised quite a few times and I haven't found 
any good suggestions yet. Most Actor testing examples are focused around 
message receipt, type, timing etc. Akka team's response to this 
post!topic/akka-user/tWAvAMMcOYs seems to 
be very dismissive. Why? This is legitimate issue! If there is no good way 
to test functionality provided by classes extending Actors then perhaps it 
should be stated please delegate such functionality to services etc.

What is wrong with example 1, and if nothing, how it is different from 
example 2 where I want to stub methodB()?

Example 1 from
  object spec extends Specification with Mockito {
    val m = mock[java.util.List[String]] // a concrete class would be 
mocked with: mock(new java.util.LinkedList[String])
    // stub a method call with a return value
    m.get(0) returns "one"

Example 2

class ActorUnderTest extends Actor {
     def receive = {
          case TestMessage => methodA()

    def methodA() = {

    def methodB() = {


Andre Piwoni

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