Hi Allen,

I'd suspect the reason that it works well with Akka Streams is that they
have back-pressure while your actor solution does not (you'll send 40
million messages as fast as you can, but the actor processing them might
not be able to keep up)

On Fri, Jan 9, 2015 at 10:53 PM, Allen Nie <aiming...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hey Viktor,
>     I'm trying to use Akka to parallelize this process. There shouldn't be
> any bottleneck, and I don't understand why I got memory overflow with my
> first version (actor version). The main task is to read in a line, break it
> up, and turn each segments (strings) into an integer, then prints it out to
> a CSV file (vectorization process).
>    def processLine(line: String): Unit = {
>   val vector: ListBuffer[String] = ListBuffer()
>   val segs = line.split(",")
>   println(segs(0))
>   (1 to segs.length - 1).map {i =>
>     val factorArray = dictionaries(i-1)
>     vector += factorArray._2.indexOf(segs(i)).toString   //get the factor 
> level of string
>   }
>   timer ! OneDone
>   printer ! Print(vector.toList)}
>     When I'm doing this in pure Akka (with actors), since I created 40
> million objects: Row(line: String), I get memory overflow issue. If I use
> Akka-stream, there is no memory overflow issue, but the performance is too
> similar to the non-parallelized version (even slower).
>     It's my first time using Akka-stream. So I'm unfamiliar with the
> optimization you were talking about.
> Sincerely,
> Allen
> On Friday, January 9, 2015 at 4:03:13 PM UTC-5, √ wrote:
>> Hi Allen,
>> What's the bottleneck?
>> Have you tried enabling the experimental optimizations?
>> On Fri, Jan 9, 2015 at 9:52 PM, Allen Nie <aimi...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Thank you Soumya,
>>>        I think Akka-streams is the way to go. However, I would also
>>> appreciate some performance boost as well - still have 40 million lines to
>>> go through! But thanks anyway!
>>> On Friday, January 9, 2015 at 12:43:49 PM UTC-5, Soumya Simanta wrote:
>>>> I would recommend using the Akka-streams API for this.
>>>> Here is sample. I was able to process a 1G file with around 1.5 million
>>>> records in *20MB* of memory. The file read and the writing on the
>>>> console rates are different but the streams API handles that.  This is not
>>>> the fastest but you at least won't run out of memory.
>>>> <https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/-zdX0n1pvueE/VLATDja3K4I/AAAAAAAAv18/BH7V1RAuxT8/s1600/1gb_file_processing.png>
>>>> import java.io.FileInputStream
>>>> import java.util.Scanner
>>>> import akka.actor.ActorSystem
>>>> import akka.stream.{FlowMaterializer, MaterializerSettings}
>>>> import akka.stream.scaladsl.Source
>>>> import scala.util.Try
>>>> object StreamingFileReader extends App {
>>>>   val inputStream = new FileInputStream("/path/to/file")
>>>>   val sc = new Scanner(inputStream, "UTF-8")
>>>>   implicit val system = ActorSystem("Sys")
>>>>   val settings = MaterializerSettings(system)
>>>>   implicit val materializer = 
>>>> FlowMaterializer(settings.copy(maxInputBufferSize
>>>> = 256, initialInputBufferSize = 256))
>>>>   val fileSource = Source(() => Iterator.continually(sc.nextLine()))
>>>>   import system.dispatcher
>>>>   fileSource.map { line =>
>>>>     line //do nothing
>>>>   //in the for each print the line.
>>>>   }.foreach(println).onComplete { _ =>
>>>>     Try {
>>>>       sc.close()
>>>>       inputStream.close()
>>>>     }
>>>>     system.shutdown()
>>>>   }
>>>> }
>>>> On Friday, January 9, 2015 at 10:53:33 AM UTC-5, Allen Nie wrote:
>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>     I am trying to process a csv file with 40 million lines of data in
>>>>> there. It's a 5GB size file. I'm trying to use Akka to parallelize the
>>>>> task. However, it seems like I can't stop the quick memory growth. It
>>>>> expanded from 1GB to almost 15GB (the limit I set) under 5 minutes. This 
>>>>> is
>>>>> the code in my main() method:
>>>>> val inputStream = new 
>>>>> FileInputStream("E:\\Allen\\DataScience\\train\\train.csv")val sc = new 
>>>>> Scanner(inputStream, "UTF-8")
>>>>> var counter = 0
>>>>> while (sc.hasNextLine) {
>>>>>   rowActors(counter % 20) ! Row(sc.nextLine())
>>>>>   counter += 1}
>>>>> sc.close()
>>>>> inputStream.close()
>>>>>     Someone pointed out that I was essentially creating 40 million Row
>>>>> objects, which naturally will take up a lot of space. My row actor is not
>>>>> doing much. Just simply transforming each line into an array of integers
>>>>> (if you are familiar with the concept of vectorizing, that's what I'm
>>>>> doing). Then the transformed array gets printed out. Done. I originally
>>>>> thought there was a memory leak but maybe I'm not managing memory right.
>>>>> Can I get any wise suggestions from the Akka experts here??
>>>>> <http://i.stack.imgur.com/yQ4xx.png>
>>>>>  --
>>> >>>>>>>>>> Read the docs: http://akka.io/docs/
>>> >>>>>>>>>> Check the FAQ: http://doc.akka.io/docs/akka/
>>> current/additional/faq.html
>>> >>>>>>>>>> Search the archives: https://groups.google.com/
>>> group/akka-user
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>> --
>> Cheers,
>> √
>  --
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> >>>>>>>>>> Check the FAQ:
> http://doc.akka.io/docs/akka/current/additional/faq.html
> >>>>>>>>>> Search the archives: https://groups.google.com/group/akka-user
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>>>>>>>>>>      Read the docs: http://akka.io/docs/
>>>>>>>>>>      Check the FAQ: 
>>>>>>>>>> http://doc.akka.io/docs/akka/current/additional/faq.html
>>>>>>>>>>      Search the archives: https://groups.google.com/group/akka-user
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