To me, this isn't the correct solution.  Passing Source(data) around seems 
wrong, it would seem dangerous for large files and impossible for remote 
actors if the source were pointer based.  The tl;dr is that IMHO the 
correct solution, where you process indexing responses in a flow based way, 
is difficult to get done correctly right now.  I'm waiting for this missing 

Read on for what turned into a pretty long winded brain dump...

I think of Actors as little (possibly stateful) message processors.  They 
react to messages, and sometimes produce directed response messages.  These 
messages generally ought to be small and immutable.

I see Streams and Flows as higher level constructs.  As if someone stepped 
back, looked at all the little discrete message processors that he had and 
wanted to model and materialize a "processing engine" out of those parts.

In your case I'd probably break things into a few components.  Files, 
IndexingManager, FileToLinesGenerator, any number of LineToX mappers along 
with XtoY mappers, YtoZ mappers, etc.  Finish things off with an Indexer 

You want to get files indexed.  That overall responsibility would be owned 
by the IndexingManager.  He'd be responsible for constructing the high 
level materialized flow, from the building blocks at hand.  Maybe he's an 
actor that gets a NewFile(location) message whenever some file shows up 
somewhere.  He than sets up and executes the indexing flow.

I'd probably use a to get an iterator over that file 
content.  Source(file).getLines() or zipWithIndex() if you want line number 
information as well (I would).  Construct your FlowGraph with whatever 
intermediate steps you like, and eventually get a small message over to 
your Indexer.  Maybe that message looks like IndexingRequest(fileMetadata, 
lineNumber, line).  It then indexes this bite sized message (also able to 
be sent across remote boundaries).  Eventually the flow completes and your 
IndexingManager does some final book keeping and declares victory.

This is how I'd model an overall indexing system.  And it would probably 
work reasonably well in one direction, from FileData -> Indexing.  But we 
want to have the Indexer tell someone about the indexing results.

For me, I'm waiting for to come 
out.  It should make custom request/response protocols much easier to 
model.  Until then, I'm probably not going to mess with cyclic flow graphs 
with Akka Streams. 

In the mean time, if I needed custom request/response logic I'd build 
non-Streams logic into my IndexingManager.  I'd have the IndexingManager 
manually buffer requests/responses and simply have some basic ack-based 
back-pressure (send a few indexing requests blind, and then wait for 
responses to show up before I sent more requests).  This assumes that the 
IndexingManager is going to do something special with responses.  If all 
it's going to do is log errors, or send them to a queue for followup and 
possible reprocessing, the Indexer could do that and you can have a 
unidirectional flow managed by Akka Steams again.

On 2nd thought, the blind send of IndexingRequests is probably poor form, 
knowing a bit about how Streams works I'd probably start the conversation 
off with a single IndexingSessionRequest that basically says, "hey I want 
to send stuff, how many can you handle".  The response can help the 
IndexingManager set internal buffers as well.  The Indexer can respond with 
IndexingSessionResponse(send me 5) or IndexingSessionResponse(too busy, ask 
again in 5.seconds).

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