Hi Michael,
We have discussed such proposal in the past and decided that it does not carry 
it’s own complexity weight.

We would have to special case some letters as markers, or introduce something 
else to mark what the “placeholder part” is,
we also really do want to encourage developers to think about actor names - 
they are one of the most important things one has 
when debugging when something goes wrong (‘which actor?’ to which actor?’ ‘from 
which actor’?).
Scala already has very nice built in string interpolation, so such a thing is 
as easy as writing s”something-$genId”

For a more in-depth discussion on this idea please read the old issue: 
Hope this explains the reasoning behind not providing such facility.

Konrad 'ktoso’ Malawski
Akka @ Typesafe

On 4 May 2015 at 23:26:24, Michael Frank (syntaxjoc...@gmail.com) wrote:

On 05/04/15 02:34, Akka Team wrote:
      -> What are the best practices for naming ? It would be ideal if I can 
give a name and Akka appends a $1, $2 to the name for every actor created.

Akka does not provide such functionality, either you use temp names when it 
maintains a counter, or give an explicit name. Just use an AtomicLong if you 
want to add your own monotonic counter to names.

i think it would be great to have the ability to supply a template to the name 
parameter of actorOf(), such that it generates a unique name in a particular 
format, similar to the mkstemp() libc function.  for example:

val fooActor = system.actorOf(props, name = "foo-XXXXXX")

would create a toplevel user actor called "foo-$a" (if we assume current 
auto-naming behavior).

is this something the akka team would accept a PR for in 2.4?  it seems like a 
rather small, localized change, but i haven't looked into the actual 
implementation complexity.

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