In fact, I think my implementation should not only be faster but it is also 
safer due to the *-unlikely event?-* of reaching Long.MAX_VALUE, a side by 
side comparison:

   - Both implementations "compare and set" the value atomically, but mine 
   does it for an *AtomicInteger vs AtomicLong* which is cheaper.
   - My implementation does one increment of an integer and compare it 
   against the size and return either the new value if less or  equal than 
   size or zero, the original implementation always MOD a long value which 
   according to my research *-not a very extensive one-* moding cost > 
   dividing cost > multiplying cost > incrementing cost

The other issue not strictly related with my implementation is that the 
static and singleton *NoRoutee* instance is a private member of 
*Router.scala* making it unusable for *RoutingLogic* extenders, and Akka 
does use equality *-if routee == NoRoutee then deadletters ! tell...-* which 
makes anyone's custom *RoutingLogic* implementation not able to behave like 
any other Akka provided RoutingLogic so I think it needs to be made public 
and mentioned in the documentation clarifying that returning it from a 
RoutingLogic will drop the message into the dead letters.

Best regards,


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