One approach I use after watching Akka days videos, was to just create 
small dispatchers for different types of tasks, say you have a set of 
actors that persist to a relational database, create these actors on your 
persistor-dispatcher for example, another example, say you have a single 
supervisor that its only jobs is to forward messages to another set of 
actors living in your own cache, for that a PinnedDispatcher is perfect 
since that supervisor only needs 1 thread for ever and it needs to be fast 
because the only thing it is doing is to forward messages, then there is 
the fine grained configuration of your remote-dispatcher, etc.

I mean, I don't think there will be a solve-all the problems approach, but 
pre-defining dispatchers ahead of time and have a shared conf file where 
every module of your system extends will help, set the standard on the 
project of what dispatcher should be used for what, that's at least how I 
have it at the moment and I don't have to worry about some insert SQL 
taking too long because such actor is running on a dispatcher where it 
doesn't matter how long it takes.

Hope that helps,


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