Hi Harit,
Allow me to respond in-line to sentences where I have something to say:

>    1. As deployed on client’s box it’s not trivial to know if its is up
>    and running. Supervisor hierarchy would help the project to recover from
>    errors if possible, or else inform us (in some way, messaging, email)
> Exactly, handling errors gracefully is something supervision is excellent

>    1. Better Monitoring, with different monitoring actors, better
>    hierarchies and separation of concerns
>    2. Log Processing with akka-streams and back-pressure (I realized a
>    recent customer issue could have been avoided if we had akka-streams in
>    place)
> Great that you found a use-case "in the wild"! We actually often saw
clients not applying back-pressure in their systems
leading to overload and stability problems, so Akka Streams are a direct
answer addressing this need. We think that
more and more developers will come to realise that back-pressure is a
crucial tool to have at your disposal and "built in".

> *Recommendation Needed*
>    1. There are many parts where I believe that re-writing in akka would
>    be useful and better but its better to take baby steps at a time as we are
>    still learning.
> Sounds like a good plan, big-boom changes are rarely successful in my
Progressing as one learns the tools and experimenting what works in your
domain and what not is crucial for a nice end result I think.

>    1. Also, we (team of 2 are planning to pick Scala) plan to create a
>    scaffolding around current project.
>    2.
>       1. The scaffolding is Parent/ApplicationActor which calls our
>       current project
>       2. We plan to achieve to this one level of abstraction so as to get
>       flexibility for doing more things with Scala and Akka
> Sounds good, please be aware that Akka Persistence in 2.3 is experimental,
and there will be changes (we are making them right now) which make it a
fully supported module in 2.4 which is currently in its milestones phase.

Konrad 'ktoso' Malawski
Akka <http://akka.io/> @ Typesafe <http://typesafe.com/>

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