I'm still in the process of learning Scala, remember atm the project is 
written in Java 8, to be more provider dependent we are thinking to use 
Akka HTTP/Streams combined with AngularJS for such purpose.

About SBT, I'm not denying it is better than Maven but there was a strong 
time constrain so I had to deliver something with the tools at hand ;-)

On Wednesday, June 17, 2015 at 9:45:27 AM UTC+1, Anton Kulaga wrote:
> Why Maven? SBT is much better and flexible. Also, if you will decide to 
> add some scalajs code to frontend you will have to move to sbt anyway as 
> maven currently does not support scalajs
> On Tuesday, June 16, 2015 at 11:14:53 PM UTC+3, Guido Medina wrote:
>> Hi,
>> This is not exactly a question, more like a discussion and sharing some 
>> of my experiences lately, most of it for medium+ size companies might not 
>> make much sense but for overloaded small teams with one or two developers 
>> doing everything, here is my *-as short as I can describe it-* story:
>> I was hired to continue developing a system, but such system was doing 
>> anything and the premise was to use X asynchronous framework *-won't say 
>> the name-* to build a high available and scalable system initially 
>> with several Maven projects and Eclipse.
>> Everything looked perfect until I discovered the project was a 
>> green-field project with thousands of lines and it was not working so I 
>> decided to scratch it, first I had to convince management that Akka was the 
>> way to go and to do that I had 3 weeks to build a prototype that could 
>> deliver the basic functionalities so I had to make quick decisions and 
>> learn Akka while going:
>>    - *Development environment:* No doubt, IntelliJ, I was willing to buy 
>>    it myself if they wouldn't, I'm not too fond of SBT so I'm doing 
>> everything 
>>    with Maven, my project is written in Java 8 but it has already the Scala 
>>    compiler so I can add Scala code if I want to, also IntelliJ Scala plugin 
>>    is good to look at API source code and stuff.
>>    - *Project structure:* Maven parent project with modules, a common 
>>    module for shared data structures, utilities and messages, a very minimal 
>>    number of dependencies, for example I was using Jackson Json but there 
>> were 
>>    like 4 jars so I switched to a lighter and smaller Jar - Gson.
>>    - *Execution:* Each module is just a Java main with an ActorSystem, 
>>    common.conf from common module dictates general config that are included 
>>    into each module_name.conf
>>    - *Akka cluster/remote:* The project was designed from the beginning 
>>    with location transparency and scale-ability in mind.
>>    - *Execution inside IntelliJ:* Easy because each module is just a 
>>    Java main.
>>    - *Maven profiles:* Help me create deployment options for different 
>>    environments like dev, test, uat, etc.
>>    - *Maven runners:* There is a mirror project which has the same 
>>    structure as the main project but it only acts as script builder and 
>>    application assembler to create easy executables using Maven app 
>> assembler, 
>>    due to all problems I have heard, I preferred not to use shaded nor fat 
>>    jars, instead something else generates the script (module_name.sh, 
>>    module_name.bat) for me so all I have to do is pass such scripts to IT 
>>    admin: http://www.mojohaus.org/appassembler/appassembler-maven-plugin/
>>    - *Location transparency and caches:* I have a sort of a address book 
>>    per module, each module instance subscribe to relevant cluster events and 
>>    when it does it knows *-by convention-* what supervisor it needs to 
>>    send a message to initiate the handshake, say a module named "strategy" 
>>    comes up, that module has the role "strategy" so I know at that node 
>>    address/user/strategy is a supervisor running, so I send my actor ref, 
>> once 
>>    it gets it, it sends to me his actor refs cache -children- and then I 
>> have 
>>    a local cache with addresses, so if I need to locate some account ID, I 
>>    just look up by Integer in my cache and I get an ActorRef, or I could 
>> look 
>>    for a round robin router because some components are load balanced so 
>> each 
>>    other supervisor keeps a round robin router updated.
>>    - *Dispatchers and mail boxes:* It wasn't easy to come up with a good 
>>    design initially, I was using the default dispatcher, now I have the 
>>    default dispatcher modified, a dispatcher for blocking operations, Netty 
>>    server and client pools customized, Kryo serialization 
>>    and SingleConsumerOnlyUnboundedMailbox, this is the aspect most of us 
>> will 
>>    spend most time, be ready for the inevitable consequences here, you will 
>>    play with these hundreds of times.
>> *Why did I make such decisions?*
>>    - Time wasn't in my favor, I wanted to use something that just works, 
>>    and location transparency + cluster + local caches is doing a nice job 
>> for 
>>    me.
>> *What problems am I facing now?*
>>    - Only few, now I have to build the UI of a system that it is running 
>>    in production making real transactions but I'm waiting on Akka HTTP's 
>> docs 
>>    for Java, yeah I know Scala is there but remember, time, Scala is on my 
>>    list and it is going to happen because I say so :D but not yet.
>>    - Akka remote is not behaving excellently but I expect that to 
>>    improve, fortunately my project required max time of 5ms and my system is 
>>    doing from 1ms to 4ms with a caveat, first few messages take 50ms and 
>>    eventually *-sooner rather than later-* it goes down to within 
>>    parameters.
>> *Moving forward:*
>>    - There were desperate moments because the old project took the 
>>    company 1 year plus the money spent and nothing was delivered so I was on 
>> a 
>>    very bad position, I didn't know this at the interview but I moved 
>> forward, 
>>    now management is very happy because magic happened, so thank you 
>> Typesafe 
>>    for producing Akka, it helped me focus on the business logic and not on 
>> the 
>>    technical details *-yeah, people who knows me will say, you, not 
>>    worrying about micro optimizations?-*, this time I needed something 
>>    that allowed me to be practical and fast and Akka did it.
>>    - Monitoring, I think we will go ConductR route, but still I need to 
>>    produce the rest of the system so that we can monitor *a system.*
>>    - AngularJS + Akka HTTP for REST and web sockets, because my project 
>>    is mainly beta, when I'm done I hope they are kind of optimized.
>> And now I will stop writing, it has been a long day *-the last 4 months 
>> every day has been a long day-*
>> Hope this helps you when starting your Akka project, this also applies to 
>> Scala btw.
>> I have been developing this project using a company's laptop which only 
>> has 8GB of RAM, spinning disk *-why not a SSD !!!-* and there I have to 
>> run IntelliJ + several JVMs + database so you will find Maven more 
>> beneficial than SBT for such purposes *-at least when using it built-in 
>> with IntelliJ-*
>> *Note:* I'm a non-English native speaker so you will find some 
>> non-sense, more likely a bunch of ideas put together like a 
>> big Spaghetti plate.
>> Best regards,
>> Guido.

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>>>>>>>>>>      Check the FAQ: 
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