This requirement may sound weird or may be I am not sure how to solve this 
problem, I am giving my best shot here to explain with following diagram  


- I have an existing application (`Legacy Application`) which runs as 
single process.  
- `Legacy Application` has very old dependencies on java version, slf4j, 
spring etc.  
- In order to make it fault-tolerant and add some supervision to it I 
wrapped it inside an `Akka Actor` and start remotely in different JVM and 
Actor System.  
- I start this legacy app from my new application as  


 processor = context.actorOf(Props[Processor], "processor")

and my configuration looks like  

    deployment {
          /newApplication/processor/ {
            remote = "akka.tcp://ProcessingSystem@"

But since `Processor` has all old dependencies, I get them in my new system 
as well :(

**What I am looking for?**  
- Is there a way I can start the legacy application inside ActorSystem(and 
JVM) where it can be encapsulated but have supervisor in the new 

bottom-line: I want to have old dependencies not leak out, but since the 
other JVM can throw `OOM`, I would like to supervise from outside (new 

If you think this is design is really bad and you have a recommendation, 
please provide your ideas


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