Hi Jochen,
The bounded mailboxes are designed around the idea that in Akka delivery is 
at-most-once in any case (because network, and no re-delivery – unless you use 
AtLeastOnceDelivery or do it yourself). So yeah, they're protecting the 
receiver, nothing more - it's not a full-blown flow-control mechanism just an 
overflow protection.

In that sense, they stick to what is core to Akka – messages may be dropped.
Replying a NACK ("hey, please slow down") on each dropped message in such 
mailbox may sound interesting,
but in practice often you'd rather get back ACKs and base your sending of data 
on those I think.

A NACKing mailbox is not something we have built in. It's something you could 
write though (you can write a mailbox).

Konrad 'ktoso’ Malawski
Akka @ Typesafe

On 28 December 2015 at 17:24:24, Jochen Mader (jochen.ma...@codecentric.de) 

Before I start: I am perfectly aware of Reactive Streams and it is what I am 
currently using. I still use bounded mailboxes to prevent human error from 
sneaking through.

With the current implementation of bounded mailboxes there is no way that 
either consumer or producer get to know if the mailbox is full or filling up.
Overflow is redirected directly to Dead Letters with neither of them being 
While preventing the crash of the system with an OOM it also feels like a 
missed opportunity for throttling.
Are they just there to prevent OOMs or am I missing something in the API?
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