Hi Alexey,

There is no built-in way to access the configuration, but as you noted, you
can inject it as an element. This is actually safe because configuration in
Akka systems is always immutable. Technically, you can even close over a
val containing the configuration but be careful though because you will
retain the whole enclosing class and that might result in a leak.

A third option is to write a custom source, and inject the configuration as
a custom Attribute, and then let your source emit it. This means that you
can construct a graph upfront, and then provide the configuration at
materialization time by attaching the right Attribute.


On Wed, Feb 17, 2016 at 12:07 PM, Alexey Shuksto <seig...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello there,
> Is there a way to access run-time system configuration in
> GraphDSL.create(...) similar to as any Actor could access one via
> `context.system.settings.config`?
> I can, possibly do something like `flow.zip(Source.repeat(config))`, but
> maybe there is some approach that will not require to provide ActorSystem
> of Config to graph creation procedure?
> --
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