Hi Guido,

this post helped me allot. Thanks.
How can I send message from the Actor to the "connected" websocket?
As a response to initial message received from websocket and as a 
standalone/push message from Actor to websocket?

Thank you in advance.


Dana srijeda, 24. veljače 2016. u 13:36:17 UTC+1, korisnik Guido Medina 
napisao je:
> While Akka HTTP is accessible to Java 8 users I decided to go for an 
> alternative which I was trying to avoid but at least I know is of high 
> performance and it fits right my needs.
> When a connection is upgraded to websocket it is passed to an actor, also 
> every message sent is forwarded to an Actor, Java 8 code snippet below:
>       vertx.createHttpServer().requestHandler(request -> {
>         if ("/signal".equals(request.path())) {
>           final ServerWebSocket socket = request.upgrade();
>           final ActorRef actorRef = context().system().actorOf(
>             // Using an internal non-blocking bounded mailbox with 
> capacity reserved (similar to LMAX)
>             Props.create(new SignalWebsocketCreator(SourceSupervisor.this, 
> socket)).withMailbox("bounded-mailbox-1024")
>           );
>           socket.setWriteQueueMaxSize(1024).
>             handler(event -> actorRef.tell(event, noSender())).
>             closeHandler(event -> actorRef.tell(PoisonPill.getInstance(), 
> noSender()));
>           log.info("Websocket connection from '{}' to {} established.", 
> socket.remoteAddress(), socket.localAddress());
>         } else {
>           request.response().setStatusCode(400).end();
>         }
>       }).listen(config.getInt("http.port"), config.getString("http.host"
> ));
> Hope it helps some Java fellows that are stuck on this matter, not ideal 
> if you want to strictly stick to Akka like I wanted though it is still a 
> quick, simple and efficient solution,
> Guido.

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