Hi guys,

I've been writing some tests for my stream code and have run up against a 
situation where I would like to have expectNextType.  I've implemented this 
myself with a pimp, but I'm wondering if there's a better way?

  implicit class ProbeExtension[T](val p: Probe[T]) {
    def expectNextType[A](implicit t: ClassTag[A]): p.Self = {
      p.expectNextPF {
        case a: A =>
        case x => fail(s"Expected a $t type but got a 

This is mostly useful when the 'A' in question is a derivation of Try[_].  
I tend to write expectNextType[Failure[_]] in these cases.  And, just to 
give some context as to why I would want to do that: My flow components 
might return a Try, which I then pass through a special handling / logging 
flow, which transforms them to a List that is composed with a mapConcat. 

val flowReturningTry: Flow[T, Try[U], NotUsed] = ...
val handlingAndLogging: Flow[Try[U], U, NotUsed] = Flow[Try[U]].mapConcat { 
/* List(u) or List(), depending on the Try */ }
val composed: Flow[T, U, NotUsed] = 

Now, when testing flowReturningTry in isolation, the expectNextType is 

Cheers and thanks,

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