I'm assuming you're using Java, please tell about this explicitly when asking 
questions :-)

CompletionStage<...> futureResponse = http client calls thingy
akka.pattern.PatternsCS.pipe(futureResponse, context.dispatcher).to(self());
set a flag that you're waiting or become() into such state,
for all other messages than the piped one call stash().

Read about stash, pipe and become in the documentation (search box will help 

Konrad `ktoso` Malawski
Akka @ Lightbend

On 24 April 2016 at 17:45:29, Guofeng Zhang (guofen...@gmail.com) wrote:


In an actor, I use WSClient (a class from playframework) to access remote 
server, which returns a CompletionStage. 

For my case, the actor should not process next message before the response is 
arrived and processed by the actor.

Currently I use CompletableFuture.get() to block the actor's thread. I know it 
is not better.

Will it be possible for me to notify the actor to stop fetching messages from 
its mailbox, then in some time later to notify it to work normally (for 
example,at the completion time of the CompletableFuture) ? 

Or is there any best practice for my case?

Thanks for your help.


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