Just for the records, we've finally managed to stream these big zip files 
using `splitWhen` instead of `groupBy`. It seems that we misunderstood the 
groupBy's  behaviour and it turns out the stream was accumulating the whole 
file in memory.


El jueves, 28 de abril de 2016, 15:02:57 (UTC+2), Juan José Vázquez Delgado 
> Hi all, 
> I'm using akka-http for uploading big zip files (~ 1Gb) containing a bunch 
> of files to parse. My goal is not to have to temporarily save to disk the 
> file but reading it on the fly. In order to do this, we've written a 
> `ZipInputStreamSource` that builds a `Source` from an `InputStream`. A zip 
> `Source` would have the following type:
> val zipSource: Source[(ZipEntryData, ByteString), Future[Long]]
> where the `ZipEntryData` contains some info about the zip entry, e.g. the 
> name, and the `ByteString` is the data chunk.
> My code looks more or less like this:
> ```
> def route = 
>   pathPrefix("q") {
>     post {
>       fileUpload("part-name") {
>         case (fileInfo, source) =>
>           val sink = StreamConverters.asInputStream()
>           val is = source.runWith(sink)
>           val zipSource =
>             ZipInputStreamSource(() => is)
>               .map { case (zed, bs) => (zed.name, bs) }
>               .groupBy(10000, _._1)
>               .reduce((t1, t2) => (t2._1, t1._2 ++ t2._2))
>               .async
>               .mergeSubstreams
>           ....
>           complete(...)
>       }
>     }
>   }
> ```
> Basically, we need to do some kind of `reduceByKey` behaviour in order to 
> parse every zip entry as a whole (entries are XML files so we need to parse 
> them completely and cannot be re-chunked).
> So far so good. The problem is that we're not able to apply any 
> back-pressure on the uploading process. Basically, when we upload the file 
> with curl, the uploading process ends quickly but the service is blown up 
> returning an OutOfMemory error as soon as the file is big enough.
> > curl -O --form "part-name=@the_file.zip" -H "Transfer-Encoding: chunked" 
> http://localhost:8080/q
> How could I get the back-pressure behaviour as expected?.
> Thanks in advance for your help.
> Regards, 
> Juanjo.

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