Thanks for trying the new JavaDSL and reporting the issue Daniel!
I sadly have to confirm it's a mistake in the DSL, completeWithFuture should 
take Marshaller[T, RequestEntity].

I've logged an issue and submitted a PR to fix it right away:
We'll ship the fix in the next 2.4 minor release.

Are you able to compile scala code in your project? Then providing a workaround 
would be trivial,
it's possible to write a workaround in Java but a bit tricky...

Konrad `ktoso` Malawski
Akka @ Lightbend

On 23 May 2016 at 16:23:59, Daniel Stoner ( wrote:

Hi All,

Hopefully a quick one asking for some advice/pointers on how to marshal and 
complete a HTTP route using CompletionStage<SomeBean>.

I've taken a look through the latest v2.5.6 documentation inc. The PetClinic 
example. What I am trying to do is very similar - marshalling a response from a 
high level server side API - but unlike in PetClinic where it can do:
"return complete(StatusCodes.OK, thePet, Jackson.<Pet>marshaller());"

Where we have thePet variable of type 'Pet' i have an CompletionStage<Pet> 
since I have PatternsCS.ask'ed an actor to respond to the request.

What confuses me is that the signature for 'complete' directive is:
RouteAdapter complete(StatusCode status, T value, Marshaller<T, RequestEntity> 

In other words it is the marshaller purely just for the entity that I return in 
my response - Great as I can simply use Jackson.marshaller().
But the equivalent method that takes in a CompletionStage is:
RouteAdapter completeWithFuture(CompletionStage<T> value, Marshaller<T, 
HttpResponse> marshaller)

In other words my CompletionStage<Pet> must have a marshaller which can convert 
Pet to the whole HttpResponse - headers, statusCode and entity included - 
Meaning I now have to write some kind of mixed Marshaller/Business pojo to 
HttpResponse mapper.

PetClinic link:

Thanks hugely!

Daniel Stoner | Senior Software Engineer UtopiaIT | Ocado Technology | Ext 7969 |

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