
while evaluating Akka-Http I noticed a significant performance difference 
between normal and chunked encoding. It is the non-chunked case which is 
much slower. The difference are significant - 1minute vs 4 seconds for a 
10MB message on same HW.

It seems the explanation is really small ByteString sizes of the request 
entity for the non-chunked case.

My code needs to read the request content into a buffer, for which I am 
using StreamConverters, but for the investigation purposes I replaced this 
with an explicit code [1].

For chunked encoding the println statement logs numbers close to the chunk 
size used by the client e.q. for client using chunks of 1024B it says 1017.

For normal transfer encoding however the message says anything between 1 
and 9 bytes all the time, 1-3 most of the time. It seems wrong to use such 
small buffers. 

Can this perhaps be fixed by configuration?

Thank you


    // req is the HttpRequest coming from the handler
    val read:Future[ByteArrayOutputStream] = 
      val arr = d.toArray
      println(s"reading stream element of ${arr.length} bytes")

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