I am seeking advice from those more experienced about some ideas for 
dealing with dependent processing. The use case is simple though I have to 
be a bit coy because of NDAs. I have some ideas myself but was hoping some 
of you with more experience than I could throw out some suggestions. 

I have an entity that ranges in the millions of them, we can call this 
entity A (the actual type is irrelevant). When entity A is updated it 
requires that entity B (the sorting entity) be updated depending upon the 
sort of fields from all the As in each B. Now to keep everything in synch 
and not be dependent on outside forces we update all the As in a batch 
every minute to get updates from external systems. So at each minute 1 to 
10 million As could be updated and we never know where within that range. 
Currently we are not using an actor system. We have an endpoint that hits a 
play server which fetches all the data to update the As and then we wait 
for all As to be updated then feed those updated values into the Bs to sort 
and categorize them. We cant split out the sort because the order is 
dependent on every other A in the B entity. We cant do away with the sort 

I want to move this to an actor system. What I cant do is resort the list 
every time I get a single UpdatedA message. If I did, the B would be 
perpetually sorting and getting behind. I also need to keep all the As in 
synch in B so I cant update them and wait to sort them on a one minute 
interval. I have to collect a batch of A updates and do the sort all at 
once. I also cant do the entire update process of updating As from the 
external events in the B actor because that would mean the load isn't 
distributed and that would be prohibitive. Sorting a 10 million entry list 
is about 4 seconds, sorting and updating all 10 million would be over a 
minute and not possible. 

I had thought of possibly using distributed pub-sub and having the system 
collect A update messages and then periodically sending itself a message to 
update the As in the B and sort them. Another idea (though I have no clue 
how to do this) would be to collect A updates and then if we stop getting 
them for a few seconds, do an update and sort ay that time. 

Can anyone think of any other way they might suggest architecting a 
solution to this problem with actors? 

Thanks in advance.

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