I completely missed that, thanks!
I would still rather have a way to persist arbitrary events without actors, 
but disabling the recovery also works.


On Thursday, June 23, 2016 at 3:21:31 PM UTC+3, Mark Hatton wrote:
> I apply the very same pattern in a couple of services.  The persisting 
> actor serves only to produce data for views and is itself stateless.
> To disable recover on the persisting actor, we add the following:
>   override val recovery = Recovery.none
>   override val receiveRecover = Actor.emptyBehavior
> This is documented in the Recovery section of the docs: 
> http://doc.akka.io/docs/akka/current/scala/persistence.html
> HTH,
> Mark
> On Wednesday, 22 June 2016 08:59:36 UTC+1, Tal Pressman wrote:
>> Hi,
>> We're writing a system that has 2 components: 1 that generates a 
>> (persistent) stream of events, and another that subscribes to the stream 
>> and processes the events. We want to use akka-persistence but there are 
>> some things we're not quite sure about.
>> The current design uses a persistence-query on the subscriber side to 
>> process the events, and have PersistentActors on the producer side persist 
>> events. However, since the produces is stateless, we don't need the 
>> recovery (and in fact we don't want it, because it could be very 
>> time-consuming).
>> We've considered a few solutions to this:
>>    - Generate empty snapshots periodically so recovery can be quick. 
>>    This works, but is a little ugly, and we'd prefer a cleaner solution.
>>    - Write the events directly to Cassandra. This would mean no recovery 
>>    for actors (and possibly no actors at all), but we'd have to modify the 
>>    code any time the persistence plugin changes the format it uses to save 
>>    events.
>>    - Use some Akka API to persist the events, without having any actors 
>>    involved. This seems like a good idea, but we couldn't find any such 
>> API... 
>>    (Maybe something with Persistence.journalFor? Seems like that's intended 
>>    more for internal use)
>> I would love to hear if there is such an API that could help us, or if 
>> you think we're "doing something wrong".
>> Thanks,
>> Tal

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