
In our system we have a few blocking actors(service calls) and we were 
using default dispatcher, but when we increase load the system becomes very 
slow and we observed that the message waits a long time to reach to next 
actor (which means dispatcher is taking time to transfer messages) Even 
though the next actor is sitting idle.

In order to solve this we used Pinned dispatcher for Actors which had 
blocking calls. But we noticed that for each actor instance a 
pinned-dispatcher instance was created, and after processing few messages 
application crashes with OutOfMemory Error.

We also tried Balancing dispatcher but again it ends up with OutOfMemory.

As Pinned dispatcher is the best suited for Blocking call actors, is there 
a limit to the no of instances of Actors for each actor type. Is there any 
property through which we limit the no of instances of pinned dispatcher.

Or any other better approach which will be best suited to our application.



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