I am using Akka with Scala and want to configure an ActorSystem for remote 
messaging ( but does not need to be remotely configurable ).  The problem I 
am having is that I am getting a Class Not Found exception for 
when I run the code.  I've double checked all of the usual suspects, the 
appropriate jar on the compile,  the appropriate jar on the run.  Imports 
are all Ok as far as I can tell.  I am using scala 2.11.8 with akka 2,4,9 
and Java 8 is installed but no Java coding

I have read some old posts ( not here ) about Scala placing a version of 
Akka in its scala/lib and that this version of Akka comes into conflict 
with the other Akka. 

Does anyone have any insight into this?  Your help would be much 

thanks, joe

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>>>>>>>>>>      Check the FAQ: 
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