On Fri, Sep 9, 2016 at 2:51 PM, Guido Medina <oxyg...@gmail.com> wrote:

> The problem with explicit is that there are so many "trait" and "classes"
> not really registered which is why I use it,
> it is the newest ID strategy as it register things you might not care but
> commonly used messages you register,
> that way you get performance for what is important and automatic
> registration for other things.

Yeah -- like I said, hardcore.  But my situation is extreme: I'm using Kryo
for *persistent* serialization -- as far as I know, Querki may be the first
project doing that in production.  That being the case, I care about the
bytes taken up by FQDNs (and the time required to look them up, and the
risks of things changing out from under me), so I've built out quite a bit
to make this work safely.

(Yes, I know -- I'm insane.  But I like Kryo's attitude more than
protobuf's from a code-cohesion POV, so I've invested the time to make it
work solidly for Akka Persistence.)

*Totally* understood about the sheer number of classes involved in making
this work -- I spent quite a while wrestling with that.  But note that I
contributed a new feature to the romix library
to help with this.  The SubclassResolver allows you to register a single
serializer for an entire type hierarchy, when that makes sense.  (Which it
does for many of the common library types.)  I found that this cuts down on
the number of "overhead" registrations required by a *huge* fraction -- you
can suddenly deal with, eg, Set with a single registration instead of six.

And yes, I need to find some time to write up a long blog post about all of

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