We are using AKKA 2.4.10 persistent actor, cluster sharding with Cassandra 
storage and have enabled remember-entity = true. We need to stop certain 
persistent actor after a specific time-frame. (few days). The issue is that 
the actor once stopped gets automatically restarted after 10 seconds. But 
if remember-entity is set to false it does not restart. The actor stop is 
tried out (a) from another persistent actor or (b) from the same persistent 
actor with a scheduled future event to stop itself. Both cases automatic 
restart happens.

We are using Spring with AKKA. Interestingly if the persistence actor stop 
is performed from direct spring code for e.g. on a rest end point (not from 
an actor code) persistent actor does not get automatically restarted 
irrespective of the above flag remember-entity = true or false. Can you 
please provide solution for this,

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