Short version: is it fair to say the traditional warnings against ask()
hold less weight because we have back-pressure?

In the past I've built an Akka app (no ask() pattern except at the outer
edge), and a tool that used Akka Streams (no visible actors except a
monitor updated with alsoTo), but am now trying to combine the two concepts.

Imagine a service which consumes a Kafka topic, sends an email (service
returns Future) and updates an aggregate (persistent Actor). I can imagine
an infinite stream for this, with mapAsync generating back pressure from
the email service, and the persistent actor as a Sink. Email retries could
be handled at the Future level, though I'm still a little unclear on how
error scenarios would be handled.

But what if the flow needs to thread through other (persistent) actors on
the way to the Email service, perhaps to gather some information for the

Would it make sense to use an ask() here (perhaps in combination with
per-request actors).

Is it fair to say the traditional warnings against ask() hold less weight
because we have back-pressure?

Could the command to update the the aggregate persistent actor also be
issued with an ask() and acked, leading to a more functional style overall?

Advice or examples appreciated.

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