Hello, I want to implement the following workflow:

- a source has the sequence of IDs to process
- initial flow *INIT* fetches the document by ID and extracts the *profile*
- another flow *FETCH* is spawned, it fetches one or more of the associated 
documents and store them in some sink *DATA (file)*
- the flow must also calculate the number of records saved to the sink 
- once the flow *FETCH *is complete - the *profile* is updated with the 
count of fetched documents
- then the *profile* is written into the sink *METADATA (file)*
- optionally if the number of records in *FETCH* phase doesn't match the 
number of the actual number set in *metadata - *then it should write some 
key into yet another sink *ERROR*


So far it's not clear how would I

- aggregate the records produced by certain flow to calculate the number of 
the records processed for certain input
- keep the intermediate profile object somewhere until the records are not 
fetched and saved in another flow

Please advice.


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